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About Suisidel

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Development, SQL, Game Desgn
  1. Haha, yes you can say that I kinda jumped into the deep end of the pool and i'm splashing around trying to find a momentum (not drowning just can't move) Thanks for your advice I understand its hard to explain the workings of a development department/company. I'll start by writing out my idea on Paper/Word and then break it down to its basics before writing any code. When you write your code into a file like a DLL (not done this yet) do you make a DLL for each class or each project? i'm trying to understand if the DLL's contain multiple class's in a DLL file or if it's separate? Thanks Colin H
  2. Hey Fenixp, Thanks for the info I know my questions were a bit simplified, so I apologise for that. I am just curious on how a gaming development company works as I’ve never worked in one before nor visited one before, so it peeked my interest. I've managed to build a block buster game using the Gamedev.TV Udemy courses and those courses are really good! I’m hoping to build a tank battle game on my own using what I learnt from the course and adding in physics for the tank shot to drop (bit like Worms) then add in wind resistance est est. I do have some development questions though if you don’t mind answering? I built the block buster game (With no title screen) following instructions off udemy and I am currently studying and have an exam for MTA: Software Development Fundamentals next Friday which touches on Flow charts and the application life cycle however to build my own game even just this tank game I need to plan it out. What would you recommend I should start on first? Should I write out all the scripts first? or build the landscape level first then do the scripts? or should I create an application life cycle along with documentation of the game, maybe do a flow chart or maybe i should keep the flow chart for algorithms and loops only? Thanks Colin H
  3. Hi all Just like many others in the world I have a life goal this goal of mine is to Design, Build and Successful implement a computer game, so far i only have designs and some content while i still learn how to code in C# using Unity and Visual Studio 2017. My name is Colin Hardwick and I am a new Junior T-SQL Developer on the small island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey I am an avid casual gamer and I have always appreciated the complexity and hard work that goes into making Indie and AAA games ever since I played 'Hero Quest' on the Amstrad when i was 10 years old, however I never really got a chance to build a game myself and school at that time did not teach you programming only basic *How to switch on a computer* which wasn’t really that useful . I am still determined to finish a fully working computer game (more than a simple block buster or space invader arcade game) from start to finish / Intro menu to credits. However, I seem to be struggling to understand how all the pieces come together? how a development company works? I have always wanted to work in a games development company however I am no experienced programmer yet and it is difficult to work with companies while most development companies are almost 3000 miles away . So I have a few questions: How do different departments in a development company coordinate with each other? How does all the work come together and shared? How many departments or specific areas do programmers work in or do they work in multiple areas of development. How many areas/departments are needed to build a game? (In other words, how much work will I need to be looking at in total to build something like a 3D birds eye view game?) I know how a bank, Law or a trust company project works for SQL development but not a gaming development company. I would love to visit a developer company to see how it all works, how it all connects together but if anyone can answer my questions on here that would be amazing as-well Many Thanks Kind Regards Colin H (Aka Sykes)
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