my ideas for basic gameplay stuff, my ideas for planets, and some planet/character storylines
this is incomplete and i dont have it completely formulated such as party members etc.
improved graphics due to advances
find a crystal cave on each planet
hooded cloaks
lightsaber created with each trained jedi
harder to defeat enemies rather than sending 50 sith assassins that are killed in two seconds
more side-quests
new ship
as the first planet of the game: The planet Ithor, during one of their tri-annual "Time of Meeting"s. the surface is considered sacred and going to the ground is forbidden. you could go down there, it has these bafforr trees which are telepathic (you get a new force power right away?) Ithorians then discover you there and you are banned from Ithor, making it impossible to visit again, your given an ithorian party member as your first member, an ithorian who was down on the surface before you out of curiosity (curiosity is his weakness making him breakable and trainable.)(near bafforr tree is first encounter with a "true sith"?)
Note: Not all Ithorians are pacifists so this makes sense.
other planets:
Telos: after the reforming of the planet's surface has gone further, find hk-50 and 51 factory that was cut from the first game , which is still running but has no customers and where hk-47 is deactivated inside (get pieces from all over the factory [rather than galaxy] and put him back together) thus revisiting telos but with a new area mainly. not even on citadel station anymore but rather on a civilized location on the planets surface not far from the ruins of the place where you shuttled to the academy (factory is below that)
M4-78: Planet completely inhabited by droids originally cut from KOTOR 2. You encounter Bao-Dur, who has constructed a newer, slightly improved remote with the help of some of the droids. (better weapons on the remote), after his old one was destroyed while destroying Malachor V. This is something affected by your first discussions about the exile with hk-47 as you leave telos. If you say bao dur was trained hes already a jedi and has some of his tech skill anyway (how else would he build the droid) if you dont then hes just a tech. he joins your party.
Naboo: Newly discovered by humanoids as of KOTOR 2 (3951 BBY) Fight veermok (native creature) speak to gungans, glurrgs and few people. i dont have any good idea for a story line here except maybe find a party member, personnally i dont hate gungans and wouldnt mind having one in my party, for comical reasons. gungan would be "semi-sentient" mainly because they are somewhat primitive (in a star wars sense), the primitive ness would be his weakness making him too, breakable and trainable. (gungan could sound more liek the general gungans than jarjar, so no "MEESA JAR JAR BINKS" kinda stuff.
Mandalore: this place is mandalorian city, see mandalore after he went back to reorganize and rebuild the mandalorians. Gain a mandalorian party member, soldier class. the only way to train him as a jedi is toshow him your true power and have him respect you. (true sith assault on mandalorian city?)
Dantooine: visit the exiles homeworld of dantooine even though were tired of it. it now has a full settlement rather than jsut khoonda. you find that the people have rebuilt the enclave to honor the jedi after realizing difference between sith and jedi. There are new masters teaching there. You go there and speak with them, learnign a new force power from them (battle meditation?) and you gain a new party member (jedi student there) girl if you are male guy if you are female (love interest) still lots of mercs on-planet. maybe you become a master here and get to choose one of your guys as an apprentice?
Katarr: empty planet of ruins. lots of dark side power, looking for site of jedi meeting as place strongest with force. lots of loot. (no crystal cave on this planet cuz its dead) find some "true sith" wandering around looking for it too. this is the korriban of KOTOR 3.
Unknown Regions: Final area you fight with or against revan and exile depending on your alignment and what you said they were.