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Everything posted by arbox81

  1. Character creation in Deadfire is very interesting, with lots of viable multiclass combinations and different playstyles. The problem is that each time you want to test a new build for your watcher, you need to start from the beginning, starting at the same location, following the same main quests to advance the story. I believe it would be great for the game replayability to add an "Adventure Mode", similar to the one in Diablo 3, where you can create your character (or party) and start having fun by visiting and fighting in all the available locarions and dungeons, straight from the beginning, without the need to repeat the same quests during each playthrough. The auto-scaling function should be improved in order to consider the pary size, not only the watcher level and the game difficulty level, in order to create a really linear level of challenge, avoiding the frustration of being too low level to complete a specific dungeon. Small random radiant quests could be added to reward the player that completed a dungeon or explored a certain location, just to help the exping and to generate some valuable random loot. This mode could be made available only to those who completed the main quest in a previous playthrough, to guarantee that the classic RPG nature of the game is not altered too much. That way the original game story unfolds during the first complete playthrough, then each player may decide to focus more on character creation, field testing, exping, looting and exploration, rather than repeating the same quests again and again.
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