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Apollo Cloud

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Everything posted by Apollo Cloud

  1. Ok I'll admit right now that the list's pretty whack, I was half asleep when I made it, however feel free to back up that rediculous assertion you just made about Nihilus, I'd be more than happy to debunk it.
  2. Just post who you think are the best fighters in the SW universe. I'd say it goes: 1. Darth Bane His orbalisks supply him with an infinite amount of force energy. Can compeltely hide his force presence, therby making him impossible to locate and immune to force attacks. His orbalisk armour makes him physically invincible. 2. Master Revan. Defeated SF Malak, and then regained his memories, where his power skyrocketed. 3. Zonama Sekot. An entire planet, near impossible to destroy or even hurt, near impossible to contain, and backed up by grear strength in the force. 4. Luke Skywalker. Can create loops in the force where he can access a limited supply of force energy, and can completely loop out of the force so that he can't be sensed or affected with the force. 5. Jacen Solo. Is confirmed as being more powerful than Kyp Durron, and can loop out of the force as well as access the unlimited force energies that come with that technique. 6. SF powered Malak. Powered up by an entire race of force sensitive beings, as well as a star. 7. UnuThul. Powered up by an entire race of force sensitives. 8. Darth Sion. Near invincible, can hold his entire body together and cheat death. 9. Darth Nihilus. Naturally impossible to sense or affect with the force, and posessing the power to drain the life out of an entire planet. 10. Kyp Durron. Possesses the power to manipulate black holes with more ease than Luke Skywalker.
  3. Mace was actually able to defeat Grievous in the novel Labyrinth of Evil. Who cares anyway, Bane would own Grievous in a heartbeat, people like Mace Windu and Obi-Wan aren't anywhere close to the big leagues.
  4. Darth Bane, quite easily. Technically, he's an outright prodigy, learning every move and sequence to the saber staff as well as becoming the best duelist in the most martial order of sith thus far seen, all under two years of training. That being said, he can wield said double-bladed saber with mastery of all 7 forms, Kas'im's advanced ones that is. Speedwise, at only a fraction of the power he gains in Bane of the Sith (as in before going through 4 major power surges, gaining a further year's worth of experience, as well as the benefits gained from the orbalisk armour) he was able to move at speeds completely invisible to the eyes of trained force users, including Kas'im who was noted for his incredible reflexes. Strengthwise, he's a beast of a man, virtually 7 foot tall, and described as a 'mountain of muscle,' with an incredible command of the force to enhance his strength with. His command over the force is ridiculously strong, to the point where he can control and direct enough power to wipe out an entire planet, and play around with moons as if they were pingpong balls. He quite simply has anyone beat, with the force or saber combat.
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