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Posts posted by Quaenam

  1. This is going to sound very picky of me, yet could you make a 2nd version of the water portrait for the elf?? I don't mind the ears being cut off lol, so than the portrait can be more zoomed in to see it better while playing.


    I tried to do it myself in photoshop, yet because I had to change the image size the quality was downgraded. =(


    If you can replicate what I did on the link here I'd be very grateful. >> https://imgur.com/a/7Ue1faF


    Again I know it sounds very picky of me, especially when the quality of the one I did isn't so bad...but dang it I can't help but want the ear-less high quality version instead lol. Thank you for what you done so far, and if you're able to help with making the 2nd version too. <3


    It's not much of a problem, I still had a larger version of the watercoulour saved. Just needed to crop and resize it again.



  2. Quaenam, with your godly water-portrait making skills....could you make these pictures into them as well? I just found these recently, and I believe they're equally as good as default portraits in PoE. 


    Hopefully you find them worthy to be made into water portraits, since I'm near positive you'd love to add them to your personal collection too. So please consider making these water portraits too. <3


    Artist - Naddaya - https://twitter.com/itsnaddaya




    I wonder if anyone could watercolour these portraits?



    By popular request...






    Bit of an odd request, but is it possible to edit elf ears on these ones from somebody much more talented? Possibly coming out of the hair?



    ...and an ear + watercolours




    On an unrelated note, how do I tag people here? @username doesn't seem to work for some reason.

    • Like 6
  3. Hey I was wondering if you could make a watercolour Deadfire style portrait out of the attached image. I know that Yasha from Critical Role was here once before but would appriciate a new looks to my barbarian ;) (originally I found the picture here: https://twitter.com/thealeksdemon/status/956782824006197249).


    Will be grateful :)


    I hope the way I cropped the image is okay. I didn't try, but I think the whole thing might be too small in-game.






    If anyone has the time to help make water colour portraits of this image I would be extremely grateful.


    Is that Hawke from DA2? Sure looks like her (minus the blood). I altered the image a bit so the lower part looks a bit more like the others in the game, though she does look a little naked now. :p




    anyone could help me out with a water colored versions of this portrait? This would be really appreciated 


    Here you go:


    • Like 3
  4. Hey everyone! :) Would anyone have time to create a watercolor for this portrait please?




    Can somebody make her watercolor? Please, pleae, please?




    Hey there! I was wondering if anyone could help me out and crop/size this portrait to the correct size and also make the water color versions? I just got the game and can't play without him haha.




    I would absolutely love it if someone can help me to watercolor this portrait!

    Thank you for your time and effort!


    • Like 3
  5. Could somebody talented with Photoshop please do me a solid and try to remove the crest from her forehead? Much thanks in advance.





    I dont know if this is the place, but can anyone change the white hair to black, deleting the hair below the ears and turn the green collar, light brown?attachicon.gifdrow.jpg thanks :)




    edit: First I tried to put the images in spoilers, because the are so big, and couldn't (I don't get this forum, it works elsewhere). Then I used imgur's thumbnail function, only to realise that it resized the actual image, not just the thumbnail. Next try, the links to both images in original size:



    • Like 4
  6. Hello, could someone water color this portrait for me please? :)




    I'm going to steal some from PoE1's thread:




    Usually I would not change the original image, but her- um... anatomical problems became very obvious in the water colour version. :grin:

    Still better not to look at her left shoulder too closely.





    Hey, everyone, I made a couple of portrait modifications back in the days of Pillars 1 in my excitement for Deadfire and need for more characters with big beards. Feel free to use them! If possible, do some of the generous people here think they could make a watercolor portrait so I can bring my PC's into Deadfire and for others to use? Also, if it would be easier for you, I can post the watercolors of the two original unmodified portraits if someone wants to use them as a tool/baseline/whatever.





    • Like 5
  7. I edited this male elf. Since I see we are missing a lot on male portraits.  And mostly elvish.. Hope you like it.



    Can anyone edit the water color to look more like ingame ones?


    I thought it was an Orlan (fuzzy ears)? Anyways, here you go:



    Any love for the Emerald Herald?




    So after a lot of trial and error I managed to crop the image I linked before, but the game has refused to accept the prior watercolors. Would anyone be nice enough to water color these?


    Not sure why just the watercolours didn't show up, but the standard version you posted had the wrong size. Cropped it again + watercoulours:



    Can someone do these from tyranny ?



    • Like 5
  8. Hey guys, would really appreciate someone making this into a watercolor.




    tried myself a few times, not got it quite right. Thank you!


    I hope you like them.




    Can anyone watercolor this please ?




    Boy, that was a mean one. Very little contrast, so I had to do some areas by hand because the program couldn't recognise the borders.


    • Like 3
  9. I'm looking for male island aumaua portraits+watercolour; I skimmed through the other threads and found next to nothing.


    If anyone could point me in the direction of some I'd appreciate it!  :grin:

    There is indeed very little content for Aumaua, especially Island Aumaua to be found. I was looking for something to draw, anyway, so I thought I might give it a try. I'm not terribly happy with the result, but better than nothing I guess. Feel free to ignore it if you don't like them.






    • Like 3
  10. I haven't read through all the 3 previous threads, so my apologies if someone already suggested this, but GIMP (freeware) has a suitable filter to achieve a style similar to the one in the game. After applying the comic filter I put another layer with something that looks like yellowed paper on top and set the layer to overlay. You can see the result below. Maybe not an artistic solution, but it takes about 5 minutes and the result looks decent enough imho.
    Seems to work better with a larger image to start from, but I tried:

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