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  1. railgun430's post in Can't finish/start Mad Morena maddening Goods & services quest was marked as the answer   
    So I found a workaround for this by experimenting a bit. Although, I ended up killing all the watershapers and pirates down there except Mad Morena and her crew before I even got this Goods and Services quest. My reputation with Delver's Row is -2 so when I walk in there they all start to attack me.
    So what I did to do this was first position 4 of me crew members next to the boat to go back to Queen's Berth, click on the boat and then exit that boat menu just to make sure you are 1 click away from entering the boat. I took my highest stealth character (Maia for me) and positioned her behind Mad Morena far enough so she didn't aggro. Quicksave. Take Maia stealthed and walk pretty close behind Mad Morena and pause game, talk to her and do your quest thing. Then when you exit her chat, the game is still paused. Take your main character and talk to the boat and sail back to Queen's Berth and boom, none of those pirates will ever aggro you. You can even go back and do the same thing and Mad Morena won't be mad at you. As long as the ground targeting circle around her is blue and not red, she will be interactable.
    I hope this helps. I didn't want to kill these people so I found this method to complete the quest with out making them hostile or killing them.
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