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About WKlingbeil

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  1. I personally think that they are simply waiting for TFU to be released. I mean, a similar situation, not exactly of course, was the matter of Gran Turismo 4 when it was released. It was a completely stellar game, of course, but it could have been so much more if the developer had not bragged so much about how great Gran Turismo 5 would be. Of course, GT4 still sold tremendously, but it is a lesson to be learned, never look ahead of your current product. They know KotOR will sell, but they've never released a game like TFU, and their history on in-housers is not quite promising. Either way, whether it is in production, or is not in production, it probably will not be announced until after Spring of 2008, barring any postponements to TFU.
  2. I have yet to see much from TFU either. All I've seen is a teaser trailer (what game doesn't look good from their first teaser), and heard a few background info, as that is all LA is willing to release. The Indiana Jones tie-ins are stupid, plain and simple. I really do not see any chance that an Indiana Jones game could develop into a good one, though I won't rule that possibility out. As for being like EA, no, they don't release 20 games per year, but would one more Star Wars project be 20? No, although I understand that they would not release KotOR before or soon after they release TFU. That said, I said nothing about releasing KotOR anywhere near TFU, only to hear that the game either is or is not in production, and whether it will be or not. I don't doubt that they won't announce it until after TFU, but them concentrating on TFU has absolutely nothing to do with another game. They have very little to do with KotOR, only that their license is needed in order to create it. TFU's storyline has personally been a partial/ heavy brainchild of George Lucas. He did nothing with KotOR, therefore KotOR being created at the same time as TFU would have no bearing on the outcome of either game. Again, I didn't say they were going to announce it, I just said that I wish they would. And again, the Indiana Jones tie-ins have no chance for purchasing by me..... Maybe the Lego Indi, but the regular one? Tsk, tsk, tsk...
  3. Indeed, at this point, I believe we need an update of any sort in order to keep interest in this game up. There is most definitely an apex in which a game hits its highest for intrigue from fans, and I believe K3 is beginning to pass that, and people are losing interest. All they have to do is make an announcement, not some vague reference, just saying whether it is or is not, or even will or will not be in production. I don't understand why LA thinks they have to keep silence for so long on their projects. They have such an excellent title in KotOR, possibly another GOTY if they put thought and time into it, yet here they are, releasing games that have already been released (i.e. Lego Star Wars Trilogy). I mean, sure, LSW was fun, but second versions of both of the games? This is holding LA back heavily. And then games like Fracture? and Indiana Jones.... And what's that? LEGO INDIANA JONES? LA seems to think that 5 year old children run the gaming market, but last I checked, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's Fashiontastic Adventure sold 5 copies? Let's get back to making real games, not just cheap tricks..... just like yo momma George, just like yo momma.
  4. Okay, holy crap, I check 3 days in a row, and nobody had posted anything, I come back after a week, and now my eyes are sore. A couple of comments, Mortis, I'm sure this is merely a typo, or you meant to say one thing, but said another, but it wasn't Bioware that said they would love to work on K3 if LA asked them, it was Obsidian. Also, with the love/war relationship between LA, Bioware, and even Obsidian, as I've said before, K2 used Bioware's Odyssey Engine, which would also lead to the assumption that Bioware, directly or indirectly, was related to K2, and probably profited from it. Let's say LA offered the contract to Bioware first, but, as Bioware has stated before, they do not want to make the game. So, LA goes to their next most reliable company, Obsidian. Well, Obsidian has plans to use the Mass Effect Engine, but Bioware says that they can not release K3 until after Mass Effect comes out. This, combined with LA's non-disclosure agreement, puts a possible scenario into play. Now granted, I am not an employee of any of these companies, nor do I know an "insider," I simply think of possibilities. In response to another, someone stated that because it was not announced at E3, it will not debut for 2-3 years, if at all. I am in heavy disagreement with this statement, as there were really not any big new game drops at E3. Sure, there were updates on all the known big names that are releasing soon, but no big announcements. I really doubt the idea that LA will no longer make games, as they've already got TFU, and a couple other games slated for release in the near future. The Star Wars brand will always be a marketable name, and therefore stupid to leave behind. I mean, they have yet to make LotOR: Legos of the Old Republic. Haha, which I think I would buy. Anyways, they will milk Star Wars until they've squeezed the last penny of it, regardless of product quality.a
  5. ... A simple question, why would you come on here, trash talk someone who plays WoW, and then turn around and say that you've been playing NWN2 for a... bit. I mean, that's quite on the level of hypocrisy. I will not turn to insulting you, though it would be quite easy, but don't come on here, trash talking people, only to say that you're not really even concerned if this game does come out. Not that your opinion hurts my feelings, but why even waste the energy to say something about a game that you don't even care about? And for informational purposes only, no, I do not, and have not ever played WoW, I simply don't see a purpose for your flaming, as you fall into the same category as these "sad losers."
  6. Oblivion is out already. I know, i was not saying future realeses just reasons to keep the 360... Honestly, I was greatly disappointed with the Halo 3 trailers. I don't see too many new and enticing aspects that kept Halo at the cutting edge. It looks as if it has fallen to your average FPS, depending only on the loyalty of the Halo Nation. I will probably buy it, merely because I love the volume of users on Live, making every game you play full of 16 or however many people. I would hold on to my 360, because why get rid of it? You gonna go pay double for a lesser, maybe equal system in PS3? Or maybe go with the Wii, which not many multi-platformers are porting to? I don't see either matching up with the 360. Sony looks to the future way too often, so much that there present day stuff sucks. "Oh yeah, let's look at creation of Gran Turismo 5, when 4 hasn't even come out yet." Any of you remember that? And the fact that they used blue ray, how many blue ray movies are there? 5? Now granted, these are only my OPINIONS, and anyone is welcome to argue with them, I just think that PS3 put so much money into preparing for the future, that they forgot about competing with the present generation systems, which is why they're in dead last, and with a long way to catch up.
  7. What is this Star Wars 2007 game I keep hearing about? Is it TFU? If so, I'm highly disappointed, because TFU is really not that impressive. It's just Jedi Knights 3. I suppose any expectation, or hope, really of K3 being announced at E3 was definitely wishful thinking, though I wouldn't be surprised if they did release it in '08. I mean, Battlefront 3 has been "confirmed," and I wouldn't be surprised to see a few hints leaking out in the near future about K3, as this seems to be a very busy period for LA. They've got a lot of steam right now, and if they have the KotOR MMO (which I probably will NOT buy), K3, and Battlefront 3, '08 will progress to be the best year LA has ever had. I think if they're smart though, they'll release Battlefront 3 Q1, K3 in Q2, and the MMO in Q3 or 4, as Battlefront will sell regardless, and you don't want people skipping the other games to wait for Battlefront, and you know the MMO is only for hardcore gamers, so it won't sell as well as either K3 or Battlefront. I'm guessing that the MMO and K3 will be very similar though, and I'm hoping that it will be nearly the same game, only with more people in one, because I don't want to miss out on anything KotOR.
  8. I hope the other crap that LA is coming out with doesn't sell well, so they know where they need to be vesting their time and money into. The Force Unleashed seemed okay, but as far as everything else, I did not see anything worth my time or money. I mean, I already own both Lego Star Wars, don't have a PSP and don't intend on getting one, so I think LA is taking it easy for this year, aside from TFU. If all that does come out next year, I think 2008 will be the year of reckoning for LA, where every developer could retire off the income from those games alone. I have to say though, I am not thrilled about the KotOR MMO, as I hate the monthly fees, and you have to continue to play, and play, and play, and there's really no end to the game, so if you have a life, you can't succeed with an MMO. I've never played WOW, and I probably never will. I think it would be cool to do an Empire At War: Mandalorian Wars. I think that would be the most bad ass EAW ever, and it would never be topped, or EAW: Hyperspace Wars, that would be awesome too. I think the future for SW is far brighter than the past ever could have been.
  9. So, today brings the beginning of another year of E3, and hopefully uplifts our hopes. My fingers are crossed...
  10. Well, I was perusing the LucasArts forum for K3, and I found a very interesting post, which I thought everyone might be interested in. It's not as if K3 is confirmed, but with a post date in March, and interviews with serious people, it could possibly be a lead on our evasive game. Also, you may have seen it before, but here goes: http://www.jedinet.com/?p=88
  11. Well, everyone may be tired of repeating themselves, but hopefully E3 will bring us new material to speak of? Maybe they announce the opening of the KotOR 3 website? Who knows what the next few days hold..... I'm truly holding on to that tiny bit of hope left for an announcement of any sort of life to the game....
  12. Well Mortis, there are actually some very possible plot points to continue on with the Exile, and I will only go with the plot holes you gave, as that is what your doubts are. First, to explain the deleveling: He would not have to magically have his mind wiped, the loss of his connection with the force... again, could be a byproduct of killing Kreia. Either you must cut yourself off from the Force again to avoid death, or instead of killing you, the Force Bond severance will cut you off from the Force again, both of those are very feasible if you ask me. As for the Exile's party, Revan had to leave all of those he cares about behind as well, so Exile could have told his people the same. I believe your last doubt was the difficulty from having two starting points of LS or DS, but again, that could be negated because of the Force severance from Kreia, though I'm not sure on that one. I mean, I definitely think the devs could easily solve that, but we'll see what happens.
  13. I don't know, I think it would be very possible, perhaps Revan runs into an ambush of sorts, and is stripped of the Force, and must regain it (thank you K1 and K2). I wouldn't mind something like that, it's doubtful, I just don't know about introducing yet another character into the saga. I mean, the Exile was awesome, the ex-bad ass darth lord Revan was sweet, so what else would they cover?
  14. While I do like some of your ideas, I think there are some that would be simply taking up the developer's time. Moving objects into your enemy with the force would sort of change it from an RPG, especially with the added advanced lightsaber fighting you're looking for. There's already Jedi Knights and Jedi Academy, which is very much similar to your ideas, though not all of them. To me, the combat is not what makes KotOR as great as it is, it's the depth. I do like your ideas of the lightsaber having different looks with each crystal, and I actually would love to have like a focusing crystal build option at the workbench, and instead of your typical colors, you have the color bars that fade from each color, giving practically every color created in the spectrum, simply for more diversity, and I don't see that causing too much extra work, but for presentation's sake, a whole lot of diversity. I personally loved the Cyan crystal from K2, but you didn't find it everytime you played through, as when I did find it, that was the crystal I used everytime. I definitely think the different crystals should affect the appearance of the lightsaber, as you said, because the lightsaber is a primary storyline in and of itself in both games. I think the combat system doesn't need an overhaul, only some minor changes here and there, as this game is not a hack and slash, it's an RPG. I definitely understand your desires for the game, but KotOR is a story above all other things, a very, VERY interesting and interactive story.
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