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Everything posted by Selphie

  1. Hi, first post ever so apologies if I am posting in wrong section but just wanted to add that for me, Aloth has the same problem of never gaining or losing approval with my watcher (as far as I can tell) but also, he seems to have supressed Iselmyr when he didn't in my first game. He and Eder had a conversation about it, with Eder saying he missed Iselmyr, and I haven't heard her speak at all. He also has the conflicting personality traits outlined above, and he was supposed to dismantle the leaden key at the end of my first game, which doesn't seem like the path he's on now. I feel like his import hasn't worked. I know Eder's was broken and now fixed in theory, but haven't seen ant mention in the patch notes about Aloth. I am fully patched and up to date. I'll admit I haven't played hugely far into the plot yet as I'm mostly running side quests, about fifteen hours in, but I did expect to see a little approval or disapproval by now.
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