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Posts posted by letmeseethatpicture

  1. Multiclassing a berserker/streetfighter and I was worried about Staggered possibly removing the Persistent Distraction debuff by interrupting engagement, but turns out the character just re-engages and Persistent Distraction is applied while the mob is still staggered.

    So there you go, another reason to choose Spirit over Blood.

  2. Planted bombs on Goercci street looters while stealthed, and the explosion unstealthed my character even though they had successfully sneaked away out of enemy line of sight. The looters were neutral (no red circles under them) until the bombs exploded if that matters.

    Reported this as a bug because it makes no sense to unstealth when the pickpocket has stayed in stealth the entire time, and have the whole map home in on him.


    If this mechanic is as intended, I guess this would be obsidian's solution for a potential flip side of this bug, where the bomb goes off and the enemies, rather than reacting to the explosion, stand there braindead because they can't detect anyone.


    Edit: it appears as though the character throws the explosive towards the victim when it activates, then it explodes and causes the unstealthing, rather than what should happen, which is the bomb appears in the victim's pocket and explodes.

    In pic attached, you can see the cinder bomb arcing towards the victim after it had already been planted there moments ago: https://imgur.com/a/uNGjmCL

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  3. I tried Cipher for only a couple of lvls in this game. They do not feel as fun as they were in the first game. Casting times in general is too long for what they actually produce. Also enemies completely ignoring charmed targets now (as it seemed to me) makes charm feel even less appealing.

    I agree most cipher powers take too long to cast and are useless for a melee character, but you can't underestimate the usefulness of a Whisper of Treason for a cheap distraction, and Borrowed Instinct is a great buff that only takes .5 sec to cast.

    The passive concentration gain on kill for Soul Blades can also make your character an uninterruptable juggernaut by charging through the frontliners at the beginning of the fight to get focus + stack on-hit item enchants, buff with Borrowed Instinct/Body Attunement if necessary, and use this cheaply gotten focus to annihilate the squishy backliners and stack concentration, then beat down the now wounded and unsupported frontliners.

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