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About Artaron

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  1. I'm interested to know as well. It seems wiser to leave him as a fighter, but interested to hear about people's thoughts/experience
  2. Thanks for the added feedback, very informative. Nemesis what group utility am I giving up on the inquisitor ? Also do you have recommendation for talents that worked well for you ?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Barbarian fits my concept less. Seems there's a preference for Devoted/Soulblade so far I will be fighting with a 2h greatsword and medium/heavy armor, not dual wielding, is the psyblade still the way to go ? (With draining whip) Regarding soloing, I'm in a party with Eder (fighter tank), Aloth (Wizard controller), Xoti (priest heal/support), and soon Pellegrina (Off-tank and DPS, Paladin or Paladin/Fighter)
  4. Hey guys ! I'm planning a 2h melee multiclass cipher using a great sword to be a strong damage dealer while remaining survivable, and I'm torn between two options: - Inquisitor (Bleak Walker/Soulbound) for FOD, Soul Annihilation and paladin accuracy aura and abilities - Psyblade (Devoted/Soulbound) for Devoted bonus, Soul Annihilation, and figther aoe stance and abilties Which do you feel is more powerful/fun to play ?
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