I'm experiencing this issue as well. I can reproduce it on every click. To make a click fail you press LClick or RClick down then you move the mouse before releasing the click. If you drift more than a little bit, the different X,Y positions usually result in the click having no effect. It comes up a lot for me when I am trying to react quickly to events.
The easiest demonstration of this is on the start screen where you can click the Continue button to load the last save, you can click down and see the continue button get visually pressed down, then move the mouse to another position on the Continue button and release - the Continue button will raise back up without triggering the actual event. It's pretty annoying that you can trigger this problem without exiting the click region for the desired action (like a character's portrait or a skill)
it looks like you guys can fix it by making the permitted distance between the down'n up larger & ignoring the distance entirely if the upclick is in the same region as the downclick
No idea if the beta fixes this, I was not able to find a beta access code for steam.