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About DarkDeathDealer

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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    Playing Guitar/Making Music, Anime, Gaming, Music Pref Genre : Metal, Tweaking/Building Computers
  1. Ya i can agree thier after doing some benchmark testing that newest version of windows out is an even bigger memory whore then the last eh but thats what Mushkin pc2-6400 4gb memory are for he he. although i wouldnt recommend buying a mobo that can support use of ddr3 yet its not a big enough performance change to be an cost effective upgrade... im waiting till moshkin realese a ddr3 version of its 4gb lol so i can through it on the new mobo as for the ban me part eh do as you wish but i get some pretty smoking deals on upgrades where i mentioned also check 3dgameman.com for product reviews and such
  2. Manoman, you worked three Ds three Es and Three As into your name. Thats gotta be a record

  3. i can help you out as far as locating cheap equipment if your interested www.tigerdirect.com for us www.tigerdirect.ca for canadians great deals on asus mobo and quad core cpu's
  4. To be honest you should upgrade your computer every 3 yrs he he and we've been waiting for some signs of hope of k3 now for how long? lol go figure the release would trigger a boom! in computer upgrades! (i sense a marketing scheme)
  5. Personaly i dont beleave kotor 3 would be announced but i really hope it will be..... i think i speak for us all when i say THEY NEED TO RELEASE IT!!! or at the very most start on it, if it wasnt in the works already! but hey who knows just cross your fingers and hope it happens lol
  6. (Xard) You know, pressing enter once in a while would make that post readable What is this preschool? do i have to break up stuff for ya. Lmao (Tip) if you cant read it then turn your monitor brightness down. Some of the new monitors and flat panel displays have presets for text also. Might help ya out Enough enters for you wow this really looks stupid. I agree about the blaster they where very poor hey you know what they honestly need though? an real sniper weapon. None of this modfied blaster that cant shoot past 3 feet before hitting its target once and doing crap for damage. Maybe a sniper cannon he he so as to put the sniper skill into effect. Also if they wanted to make a blaster sprey everywhere they should at least use a gattling blaster lol least it look cool. & thiers a chance you'd hit more with all the lasers coming out. Now that ive wasted all my time hitting the enter key just cause some of ya are incapable of turning the screen brightness down for text? Enjoy... Lets hope its legible for ya
  7. Well, it's clear the boy doesn't know how to punctuate clearly. Or form clear and concise sentences to get his point across.? first off its easy to rip on someone who's been drinkn all night. second" as for the boy part you should be careful im probably much older then you are. third" honestly i dont really care about punctuating and periods when i get back from a party. i just thought up some stuff with some friends and thought id post it and i never played (J.K.A) Jedi Knight Academy Graphics looked to crapy for my liking so i wouldnt know about the combat system. I was just speculating that maybe a decent pace to the game would be nice & who's to say the levels arent going to be as big or bigger then oblivion!. Guess then you'd be wishing for that (Force Sensitvity)!!! and really you guys seem to have very low standards for this game id rather them work alot in all area's not just directed at one place. Lets face it too.. like it or not we all know the game and the engine is going to change thiers not a hole lot you can do about it. Not unless your working on the game and have some push. so i say if thier going to change it then mine as well put up some good idea's or any ideas they can build off of.As for the idea's I merly just laye'd out the area's id like to see the most improvements in. And really im getting sick of the ebawn hawk! i rather not see that junker again maybe somthing a little more tasteful & exotic .
  8. lol thought that when you said they where to powerful in you quote box it was you quoting lol my bad but still we should group together and think up some new powers that would be great maybe ones that are always active lets face it jedi speed is kinda useless i think that the harder we press on the controller the faster we should go Hence The Term (Force Sensitive ) And maybe have a way of kickn in the level of jedi speed you have so you move faster , then have a power like combat awarness where it allows the jedi/or sith to slow downt thier surronding so it they are able to react in combat faster cause i dont know about you but i was using jedi run alot becuase he wasnt running all that fast took to long to get from place to place somtime's i usaully expanded my points in the begining stages of my character trying to run around! Cause lets face it games that have a slow pace lose interest it should be at a some one quicker pace for moving speeds cause i could play kotor 1 , 2 all day and night but in the end the movement speed was pissing me off specailly 20 time replaying the 2 games using the same ship to was getting old lol i was kinda hoping in the second one we could buy a differnt one or get a choice of ones we could high jack speaking of ships..... If you could buy your vessel of lightend travel or destrution what would you choose? i being a loyal sith lord (Evil Laugh) would like to get my hands on one of them mandalorian Battle Ships or maybe a super battle ship from the starforge he he! screw the hawk lol lets go planet to planet in those and have a shuttle drop you down lol hows that for opeing up a bunch of quest. things massive maybe some band of space pirates try to take it over and you have to deffend you battle ship ect , or thiers hidden secrets and such like quest newer more advanced weapons ,robes armor maybe things you unlock as time developes and you become a more power full allie of good or evil.
  9. Eh ya i guess? but you cant tell me you've never wanted more powers and wished they were a little bit stronger it would be cool. thought.. if we could wield DB light saber in each and not just one maybe shorter hilt so it could be done or we could weild one dual and one single in another hand that would make things so fun lol that would bring a Attack Me I Dare You! sort of attitude to the game and a reply to the diffculty thing im sure the AI and NPC' are going to be better then the last couple games with the new processing power and lets hope the diffculty options are little better like higher hitpoints and more enemys that sort of range would be better ive beatn the other series first hand on the hardest mode with the hardest start of characters thier is little differnce between the mode's of diffculty except when facing boss's it took an extra min or so to kill em which for a run a gun char is nothing lol
  10. Eh you never know maybe will get lucky and they will use the character creation like oblivion that would be wicked you can change everything for the face i think they' need to add really long hair though most of the movie's show jedi with shoulder length or longer for the males that is... we should get to choose the color too i hate getting stuck with grey hair and such that would be wicked , thought just poped up too.it would be alot nicer if we can rename are sabers we customize, same with our own custom robes and what not alot of games out thier allow you to rename customize items i see no reason we shouldnt be allowed in kotor 3
  11. Eh no offense to you omlette but some of use enjoy having absolute god powers and frying the hell out of everything if you dont want to have that option!... KEY WORDS BEING HERE (Dont Level Your Character Up Then) lmao Personally Id Rather Have a bunch of god like sith/or jedis to have some fun with the local population on the planets and lets hope force crush can kill more then just 1 person maybe they will make upgraded versions lvl 2 kills 3 people in the surrounding area 3 kills 5 that would be sweet and also lets hope they dont make it so we have to wait till the freakn end to use it and if so we should be able to play the complete campain again with are lvl 50 character he he they need to for once make the game replayable and save the stats of char if you choose thats why thiers a New Game feature lol for those who would rather restart thier efforts~!
  12. Ya playing as either reavan or the exile would be ok i guess but id rather have a new custom char alltogether maybe one that recruits both revan and the exile that being said we should be able to deside on boths appearnce so we can best relate it to kotor 1 2 of what are characters looked like ... i really dont worry about the characters so much im more interested in being able to have freedom to interact with npc characters on a better degree then the last 2 games hopfully this time we can use force powers on all characters not just battle specific adn yes including quest specefic characters lol even the masters or allies anyways lol that being said if they are watching lets hope thier taking note's lol
  13. Ya i know they where able to do alot of things in oblivion and really whats the point of turning to the darkside if a civilian gets in your dark lords way during a battle and you cant show him your raw power lol one thing i love in oblivion is that you can kill the people in the town or pick fight with the guards thats what i mean freedom wise we should be able to do and they where just ideas i was putting out plus none of the story really went together all that well. in the other kotors so i figure they are going to have a new character in the game and possibly have us seak out the exile and reavan so mine as well choose what we start as hopfully this allows us to choose what reavan and the exile are! .say if we choose to start as a sith and become a sith lord eventually so are reavan and the exile where you eventaully meet up and take on the real sith or if you choose the light gradually work up to jedi master and revan and the exile or both on the side of light lol see thats sorta what i mean as for the custmization being able to put yourself into the game and be the one to deside the fate of the galaxy would be nice and the reason for the high customizablity is so if your playing co-op everybodys character just doesnt look the same and lets face it i always wore the robe wish the hood could be up and maybe have the ablity to in power the robes like the ancient sith did to some of thier weapons or like the robes from the star forge thats why i speculate as for the programing part its not as hard as you think being that i tinker with my games all the time all it is, is thinkn of ideas and making the work in the game i really doubt my ideas will come to formation anyways since i doubt any of the designers even read the forums although it would be nice if they had a look and build upon idea's or add em into the current development of the game
  14. Kotor 3 Idea's Let me just say i am the biggest kotor fan both1,2 where really great games now with the new console i have some thoughts and ideas of what would be great and would make kotor 3 a better and overall replayable game. Below is a wish list of stuff id like to see for kotor 3! I would like more customization options for blade color maybe a slider that allows you to adjust the color & intensity ect. also with characters customization like oblivion another thing would be to choose to start sith or jedi or nuteral, oh and for once id like to be able to choke or kill something like a civilian or use mindtricks to make em do other elements in the game and be given more freedom to do so also it would be nice if they respawned or where recreated so i could repeat the process. and no im not the only freakn one to think about how fun it would be lol. also more fluid combat system customizable force powers would be a bonus example , color of lighting ect.. as well as the ablity to customize robe/armor/clothes material & colors and be able to choose whether the hood is up or down would be nice cause whats the point of having a hood if you cant wear the damn thing. being able to choose and create apprentice's change look alliment would be great, and noo im not the only one who had 1 guy being pimped out with a bunch of sith women willing to die for me ha ha! being able to start the hole thing over again with your full out jedi/sith would be cool too and a co-op mode to bring friends and their jedi/sith char along to destroy and or save the galaxy via xbox live and if i wanted i should be able to kill em just cause lmao! Thanks for reading.
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