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Everything posted by BadNewsBear

  1. I'm about 100 hours into a PoTD playthrough with some Magran fire challenges turned on. I found I really don't like Woedica's challenge. I saw that I could disable a god challenge with a console command. SetGodChallengeEnabled (challengeID, state). where the challenge ID would be the name of the challenge, and state(0) would disable it and state(1) would enable it. I tested it and it worked for all the other challenges, I was able to disable and enable Abydon by entering "SetGodChallengeEnabled Abydon 0".. But it didn't workf or Woedica. Game gave me a text that said GodChallengeGameData was invalid for "Woedica" which means the Woedica challengeID is called something else in the game files. Could anyone help me find the name of it? I would hate to have to restart after 100hours of play...
  2. I'm in Beta 1.1 right now and just got my fav armor Miscrent Leathers, but it seems to have been nerfed from -15% recovery to -10%. (it used to be a base of 20% - 15% resulting in 5% recovery only, now it is supposed to be 20-10 for 10% recover) However it seems to be bugged that the newly nerfed 10% reduction doesn't even apply to the base of 20%. So basically the armor is kinda crappy :/
  3. Oh weird that it didn't attach. I actually stopped playing after that and forgot about this post I made. I recently tried it again (both in official game and beta patch 1.1) Still no quicksave. very annoying
  4. Hi all, Just got the game and loving it so far. But I dont know how to solve this bug? When i press f8 for quicksave, it says "No Quicksaves Available" See attached screenshot. I'm not playing on trial of iron, where theres only 1 save, so not sure why this is happening
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