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Jedi Master Shyrne

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About Jedi Master Shyrne

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  1. On this it was EMIRPE AT WAR but really it was STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTER for the PS2.
  2. My first exile is: Urai Fenn, a male, 33, light skin welids a green double lightsaber, though ay first he had a two singles: one red/orange and a silver one, lightside and nearly a complete suck up to all of the crew of the Ebon Hawk. He was my first person. Oh and he was a jedi Senitent and weaponmaster. Also he didn't complete HK-47 and he loved pretty much all the woman and they loved him back espially Mira on the Ebon Hawk except Kreia(no supires). Actually hated Kreia. My second exile was: Gaila Daragon, 24, female, a bit dark skin, welided a blue double lightsaber. She act the way any one what her to act so she was complete suck up this time. Mostly a gery force adept never specialize in class, but was a conlsouar. Complete HK-47, also she wanted to marry Atton too.
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