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Everything posted by KOTORgamerKyle

  1. "thats interesting... very interesting" looks almost identicle to Atton... *waits for him to call Kreia a old Witch lol*
  2. i personaly wen mostly light. my first time i played i didnt realy understand KOTOR1 that much but i loved both of them lol by the way on Nar-shadaa i dont count the time that you get dark points for either choice giving the guy creds and watching him get the crud knocked out of him or him starve to death or however he dies.
  3. i dont know if sombody already said this but i think that you should have like 6 voices to choose from when you make your character. and also choosing different races would be cool (especialy if they affected your stats and stuff) imagine it... a wookie shooting lightning!!!
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