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Everything posted by lamehater

  1. Do we know whether it is possible or not to remove unwanted disposition? I know the command to add disposition, but not if it can be removed.
  2. Okay, so I found a solution to the problem. The upgrade doesn't work properly when I itry to install it by dragging, but if I click the upgrade and then the misc slot, the upgrade icon sticks to my mouse cursor and when I click accept it sticks to the slot. Clicking works, dragging doesn't. Hope that's helpful.
  3. Of course. Here's a save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jEJjgJ9yyCUi69qcOevRZoYXFd67AMv2/view
  4. I've tried to attach both the menagerie and the captain's quarters, but after I click accept when the game asks me to, nothing happens. The upgrade just stays in my inventory.
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