It appears that the party bonus for passive skills in conversation are not being applied if your companions are too far away when you initiate conversation.
I run a formation like this:
And often have to cancel conversation to start again as my companions are not providing their passive skills.
Does this need to be distance based at all? If so could it be slightly bigger?
The tool tip for Empower is initially confusing:
1/1 per encounter would lead me to believe it can be used per encounter.
Turns out after reading the Cyclopedia it's reset per rest and I'm assuming you get more than one Empower later on?
Might want to reword this tooltip to say "1/1 per rest".
Signed up to report this one, seeing the same thing.
I'm noticing if I'm left clicking on portraits it's moving them as well, almost as if left click is being held down but it's not.