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About Seferex

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. mmm non riesco a installare l'ultima patch. Con le prime versioni non ho avuto alcun problema (molto comodo usare la cartella override). L'ultima purtroppo non riesco proprio Ho la cartella "UI Slow-Fast Mode Tags Remover". Dove la metto? Ho provato a metterla sia su: \\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II \\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data \\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override in tutti e tre i casi, non la riconosce Dove sbaglio?
  2. It seems that the only missing command for the scripting of the IA is the "self: Has Bonus on Deflection" There is no way to stop the caster to keep casting, for example, Mirrored Images if you dont set up the timing. Did i miss any command that dont let the caster to cast the same type of deflection spells? Since Mirrored Images+ Wizard double + Displaced Images dont stack each others, would be cool to have a command that make a rule to dont cast any of these if one is already on. If i did miss the command, i apologize and please teach me how to do that :D Oh and as i already said, i know that i can just set the timer for the duration of the spell, but if you do so you miss many other tactics that you could do with that command.
  3. I tried again by myself. Its not good as the ones that many of you made ofc, but not to bad afterall :D If someone wish to do it better, please do it! To the newbies like me: As someone stated, follow the guide posted by this awsome guy https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97149-tutorial-watercolor-portraits-in-the-gimp/ Its easy and anyone can do it
  4. Guys please can you watercolour this? I did try to do by myself but was terrible T_T Also if you have time, i would love you do the watercolours of theese too: https://imgur.com/a/aZWasOq
  5. Oh and sorry for the double post, what about the stats? How you guys would build him?
  6. Oh i see... Sorry but would you be so kind to spell the name for the skills? Im still noob and not able to figure out OTZ
  7. mmmm why you say that? Sorry i just still dont get much about the skills.. Tbh i thought just the opposite! Paladin gives more damage (with sworn enemy + flames of devotion + auras) and fighter more defence (with the stances)... So far the only stuff i like about fighter are the stances, but it cant be only that O.o
  8. Hi guys, its like 5 hours im trying to decide which class to sub to the wizard. I will use summoned weapons and buff myself to go in melee. So far it seems that the paladin is just superior to the fighter, but im pretty sure i am missing something... Can you give me your opinion why i should go arcane knight or battlemage? I was not able to play the beta, so i may have missed many stuffs
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