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About Dmdtt

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. oh perhaps its because I recruited a level 1 adventurer. maybe that's why I had no issues.
  2. yeah I went back and decided to start over without the level up blessing. and the adventurer seems to work properly. even tested retraining once I got the adventurer to level 2 and it worked out alright. so all of the issues I listed in OP are related to the blessing.
  3. started a new game, was going to do a playthrough using the berath's blessings, and with the level 4 boost active I went and got to the first town and recruited an adventurer I found that they are not leveling properly created a lifegiver/beckoner druid/chanter and after selecting their initial level 1 skills it only gave me the option to level the character once from level 2-3 skipping 1-2 entirely. when I leveled the adventurer to 4 I was told to Pick 1 skill from each class but the second tier of ability unlocks was not available yet. going back then to try and retrain the character I tried to reset them to level 1 and see if that fixed it and I found that it erased my initial level 1 starting skills (including shapeshift ability) but then allowed me to get the second tier skills at level 4. so now I'm left with an adventurer who is missing 2 skills from each of its 2 classes from the first tier and on top of that is a druid that can't shapeshift.
  4. after spending a bit more time looking at this I think I see what is happening initial fire on target 1 hit from weapon 1 hit from imbued ammunition both of those 2 hits then cleave with drifting shot to secondary target 1 cleaved hit from weapon 1 cleaved hit from imbued ammunition then that cleaved hit procs an additional imbued ammunition 1 hit from imbued ammunition and that hit on secondary target from imbued ammunition then procs an additional drifting shot back to the initial target 1 cleaved hit from imbued ammunition giving a total of 6 hits every time both targets live long enough for 6 hits to pass back and forth between them.
  5. Bug with the pool in Outcast's Respite, if you use the pool while having a weapon equipped that is copied into another slot after you are transformed by the pool it will delete the copies and the original weapon as well. always occurs every time I use the pool and save/reload or resting does not restore the weapons. had to load the autosave to get my weapons back. with no copies of weapons or copied weapons equipped in any weapon setups no weapon deletions occur.
  6. this combination is straight up broken, with the imbued ammunition perk active and drifting flight I'm getting 6-8 hits from 1 shot against 2 targets, the initial hit is hitting both targets then those hits each proc a extra imbued ammunition hit which then also cleaves which causes another imbued ammunition hit. for giggles I made a single class ranged and used twinned shot and wow it was even funnier. this should probably be addressed as it is really quite broken. I suggest making it so the perk on the weapon cant proc additional drifting flights which should tone things down a bit. as a ranger/cipher I am going from 0 focus to 150 every time I fire my gun its actually kind of amusing.
  7. I do indeed have AI enabled on the character, and for a bit more information I use the spirit wolf pet for Ghost Heart
  8. after summoning a pet it has its AI disabled by default even those for my main character I have it set to aggressive for pets, as a result I have to start combat every time enabling the things ai.
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