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Posts posted by MindWeb

  1.  Yes, planning for PoE5 starts now.... err, I mean 3, PoE3.


     The systems are solid and the combat has a good feel to it. Other that re-balancing the higher difficulties, I would be happy to see another game with these systems. The classes and multi class system is surprisingly solid considering how big of a change it was.  I look forward to trying out some interesting builds with it.


     I enjoyed the ship combat more than I thought I would (I had never considered a career in piracy - sigh, missed opportunities) and I like that the option to board is always there.  


     I would be happy to revisit the Deadfire, but there is also a lot more of the world so, maybe we'll get back to the Deadfire by PoE7 or so. However it goes, I'm going to need another piracy opportunity in the future. 


     The companion relationship system is promising. The only issue was that there wasn't quite enough of it. I would like to see the relationships develop more over the course of the game (I had exhausted the possibilities fairly early in my play through and the NPCs didn't have any more to say).


     I would like to see more of the watcher story. I promise to suspend disbelief at restarting at level 1 if the devs  promise not to murder my watcher between every game.


     I think the writing has improved from PoE1 to White March to Deadfire. For me, a personal story and interesting companion characters are a big part of what makes a game good.  


    My main gripe with the game is the short and underwritten companion quests to be honest. They're promising enough mostly (though Tekehu doesn't seem to even have one, his development is just based on stuff with the Gullet it seems), but they end so quickly and abruptly. At least with Eder and Sagani's quests in the first game it felt like that abruptness and lack of closure was intentional, and it tied into the theme of them. Here it just kinda feels like I did a quick sidequest.


    I'd prefer less open world stuff with dungeons that have no real story if we got more developed companion quests. Especially if they're more tied into the plot like Durance's.

  2. My main hope is that they go back to hub areas and dungeons instead of an open world map. I feel like a lot of Deadfire's content is fetch quests and dungeons with no real story or meaning, just scattered on islands.


    It felt like I was wasting my time with filler content at times instead of doing actual interesting stuff.


    Also want to put in a vote for Ixamitl Plains because my Watcher is from there and I really like Orlans.


    EDIT: This is super minor but I'd like to be able to just click a button in character creation to make it automatically make your character look like your portrait. I believe they said they were planning on not adding many portraits for the very purpose of letting your character look much closer to them, but I still had trouble getting it to look like my portrait.


    EDIT 2: Also I feel like the plot of this game was pointless, the Watcher really accomplishes nothing. They could've had Eothas destroy the Wheel as the opening of the game, and then the plot deals with the fallout of that and people discovering the gods aren't real. I feel like this is going to be the plot of PoE3 though, so this was more of a filler setup game inbetween.

    • Like 3
  3. I have a quest in my journal to turn into Prince Aruihi. The quest I can't remember the specific name of, but it was searching for the map to Ukaizo (that VTC members were already on the island searching for).


    However, I didn't do this quest until after I'd gone to speak with Queen Onekaza, and had the Maia ultimatum (unfortunately I didn't save before this, which was a mistake but also another reason for me to now do a second playthrough), where I decided not to side with the Huana.


    Now, the quest just sits in my journal, and wasn't cancelled by not siding with them, but if I speak to Aruihi I just get him telling me to leave.



    Hey guys,


    If you want Vela to spawn on the beach for your saves you can use the commands:



    SetGlobalValue n_Vela_State 7


    Make sure you do this before you ever set foot on the beach, otherwise it won't work!


    Also the "n_Vela_State" is case sensitive.


    Also also this will disable achievements, if those matter to you.


    Let me know if you have any problems =)


    Do you know if this will merely restore her on the beach, or set the state so that she's preserved as 'normal' fr the rest of the game? (As I understand it, she's also supposed to work as a crew member, but doesn't for anyone?)



    This command sets her variable to what it should be when you import a save having kept her. Everything should behave exactly the same from that point forward. Also, since you're only altering this one very specific variable, it shouldn't mess with anything else in the game. That being said, it is a debug command, so there is still the risk of something going wrong somewhere unfortunately.


    Also I thought this was the case but I just confirmed with our design team; Vela is not intended to be a member of your crew. They didn't want her getting injuries and possibly dying during ship combats. The intended design behind the little orlan is that she hangs out inside of your ship and can be talked to, and can have banters with all the companions.


    Hopefully that helps, even if it's not necessarily the answer everyone wanted =(



    Ah, that makes sense then, I figured she was just bugged since I couldn't have any conversations with her haha. Do you know if there are any actual conversations you can have with her besides the one on the beach with Engrem and the ones she has automatically with companions? If I talk to her I just seem to get generic sailor dialogue (i.e. "Where to next Captain?")

    • Like 1
  5. Noticed a bug just recently after recruiting the five crewmembers from Port Maje.




    This has happened in two saves so far, both have Vela present (though she does not seem to have any unique dialogue on the ship, though that may be intentional, and does not function as a crew member (she can't be assigned to any stations and doesn't appear under Known Sailors)).


    I'm not sure if she's the cause of this issue since she was up on top of the deck speaking to Serafen when it happened.

  6. So using the in-game history editor does spawn Vela for me (for both the choices available) but upon repairing the ship she does not appear in the crew member list nor appears inside the ship at all. I imagine it's going to be the same for those who spawned her with the command console? 

    Using the in-game editor also caused the sword from the Paths to not appear, though the Yenwood one from the pot in Caed Nua's hall did.


    So my choices are between Vela who isn't functioning as a crew member properly and what's probably going to be a sweet-ass repaired sword.

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