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Everything posted by monkeybuisnezs

  1. Umm... i was going to edit my prior post... but i could not see it. I opend the charactor screen on my main toon. (the one who has been cloned into Eder) And the body is Eder, but the head was my toon, but with really messed up hair. It is kinda of funny and thought you would like to see as well. https://gyazo.com/5dc987fbaa239088d54e851052e664d4
  2. I just posted about the same bug... https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1000/48670cd8c91a7604bccb0aafb52bed43-jpg.jpg Screnshot ^^^^
  3. Hello! ive been enjoying the game so far. I have linked a screen shot. I leveld up Eder before I leveled up my main toon. I ended up copying Eder. When i move my main (eder's Clone) I hear his voice, not my mains (a girls voice). not realy sure... https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1000/48670cd8c91a7604bccb0aafb52bed43-jpg.jpg anyway... thought yall would like to see this.
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