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Everything posted by sirensix

  1. A little late to the party, but for those concerned about doing things in an order that feels realistic to the story: the only place it makes any sense narratively to go randomly help out a mountain village is after you've turned in all your info to Lady Webb and you're on your way to the animancy hearings. Logically, the hearings would be held whenever the duc wished and not at your immediate convenience. So in my head, the Watcher looks for ways to keep busy while waiting for word about the hearings, and then several months later after you've taken all the non-urgent side detours you want (WM1 and maybe Endless Paths), the Duc finally gets around to holding them. That works logically for Part 1, which has zero urgency. Then you can do Part 2 whenever you wish -- it becomes a matter of prioritizing two potentially world-ending things, and to be honest, ominous visions about an unstoppable army on its way WOULD take precedence over "Thaos is clearly up to something sinister," when Thaos has already been doing his thing for two thousand years before you showed up. Hope that helps the story-driven folks like me who are coming at this more from a narrative/logic perspective than optimizing combat challenges.
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