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Posts posted by Iceborg1307

  1. i went with inquisitor cause well a pirate inquisitor got me good, else it would have been paladin/barb or fight/barb or something. a prate inquisitor that invades peoples minds and delves out justice is the way to go. i made myself lol so much in my playthrough, kinda going all out on my imagination.


    im prob going to reply as a fanatic now cause i want to build my story around menzzago and a undead army, albbeit im not even sure it will matter, jst makes me lol.

  2. To reflect on my first post. I am a bit disappointed after the first hype. The idea was really cool to have them as ally, but when i realized what's the use of it, I wish I had just killed them really.


    All that happened was, I had a dialogue option in the final sea battle to have them help me :(

    long shot but its till cool tho, perhaps in a future dlc or some such we will have feedback, dont give up hope, undead army is the way to go. finishing as pirates is the exact same thing just help with a fleet event, if i had a real choice i would ferry dwarfs to menzzago and have my army aswell. i really took a disliking towards the slaves, even tho after death slaves is fine. yes im really a bit mad irl.

  3. honestly, the wirting for this quest is absolutly HORRIBLE


    what a wasted opportunity - they could have made a really cool story how you have to help her fight her way back into the order etc.. but the whole "quest" is so weird.... "hey get pallegine" "she's banned" "alright".... "hey pallegina you want to join" "well ok"... wut??


    I also dislike that they changed her FOD and Avian abilities

    i agree, also alot of quests are somewhat very underwhelming, i would go in detail but im finished with it and donmt wana add to indepth spoilers about my experience, needless to say im not happy i had no undead army, if that was even a option. should have allied with slaves, to i guess open up more options, trying not to spoil things for guys reading this, but yeah search online and look for stuff if you feel so inclined.


    You can also promise him adra from the final island whose name I forgot how to spell with reasoning that his island isn't sustainable by itself.(allied with Vailians on that run if that matters) I haven't tried it out, but I assume his fleet shows up if you join the combat before Ondra's mortar

    Are you talking about Ukaizo? I'm right before finishing the game but I haven't pledged to one of the factions yet. Can I not gain access to his undead army for the final quest?


    i never had that option to give him adra i tried to do it before getting a certain ship and after getting that ship, before even speaking to the queen none of it worked, i just killed him at thast point, i do believe you need to feed him slaves from crookspur to get him on your side, alas i did not have saves before i wiped them out so i finished with pirates, undead army would have been nice tho.

  5. Feel free to hijack this thread and remake a better one or continue to post things you find, atm i see nothing in any form of searching i do both google and on this site.


    Here we go, i'll keep updating this with items i find. copy and paste the format pls, and i will add to the main post.




    Weapon: Magistrates Cudgel / MACE.


    Location: Subterranean Temple / slight northeast of Tikawara.


    Class it binds to: Cipher / Monk / Fighter.


    Things to know: requires 15 resolve to pick it up, food bonuses etc work for this.





    Weapon: Marux Amanth / Dagger.


    Location: 2nd floor / Poko Kohara Ruins / Poko Korara / Behind Unstable Gun Powder Barrels(blow them up to bring wall down).


    Class it binds to: Paladin / Priest / Rogue.


    Things to know: very close to the entrance of second floor basicly on north eastern side.





    Weapon: Blightheart / Arquebus.


    Location: Burial Site on island that "Motare o Kozi" is / top middle right'ish of world map (direct center of top right world map square?).


    Class it binds to:Ranger / Chanter / Wizard.


    Things to know: event on beach blocks path.



    • Like 2
  6. hi just thought i would post a quick guide on how i got Pallegina (companion) even after she has i guess broken her vows.


    1.) first of all talk to her in queens birth, i was nice to her not sure if that helps(did not reload to test), i did sugggest she joins me in hunting down our enemies, she walked away.


    2.) i went to the palace and spoke to the queen, pallegina was not there and had no option to recruit her, however the valian npc's said during the dialogue with the queen they will send for her(pallegina) and request she comes to the valian trading company headquarters in queens birth.


    3.) here is the tricky part, if you go to valian headquarters and doors are locked and guards outside wont let you in (unless you turn hostile on them), so use the sewer grate next to them and go through to enter the toilets in order to remain non hostile, sneak out of the door and into the i guess reception room on the immediate right(down screen), pallegina is there and will now join your party, you can even exit through the main door and the guards outside will think nothing of it and remain non hostile.


    hope this helps, like if it did.


    EDIT: only posting this as i had trouble finding her and found nothing on the google search to help. correct anything if you find it wrong or want to add some insight.

    • Like 12


    If you go down (and don't have too many injuries) you'll get an injury and collapse but you can be received by abilities. After the fight ends you will get up and heal lost health - but the injuries can only be healed with resting.

    Injuries give you maluses like reduced accuracy and whatnot. There are several different of them.


    If you get knocked out with the maximum of injuries you are dead as a dead mouse and will be removed from the game.


    If that's the main char it means game over.


    If all party members get knocked out in combat it's also game over.


    gotta ask but by injuries do you just mean shortened HP or is it something new that if you say break all body parts you can also perma die ?, sorry the way you explain it is making me wonder.



    Broken arm might be -5 Dex, Concussion might be -5 Int, etc. I'm sure someone has a list (or will have a list) of the actual injuries, but that should give you an idea.



    think you read what i asked wrong did not ask wound descriptions asked about perma death.

  8. god what a laugh, guess my hopes of a summon based group went out the window, unless i make my main a druid or priest, what the hell is the reason for druid tekehu and priest xoti not being able to use summons, may aswell mutliclass them as they dont bring anything special to the table not being multiclassed. from what im seeing it looks like the pure classes is even underpowered.

  9. If you go down (and don't have too many injuries) you'll get an injury and collapse but you can be received by abilities. After the fight ends you will get up and heal lost health - but the injuries can only be healed with resting.

    Injuries give you maluses like reduced accuracy and whatnot. There are several different of them.


    If you get knocked out with the maximum of injuries you are dead as a dead mouse and will be removed from the game.


    If that's the main char it means game over.


    If all party members get knocked out in combat it's also game over.


    gotta ask but by injuries do you just mean shortened HP or is it something new that if you say break all body parts you can also perma die ?, sorry the way you explain it is making me wonder.

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