Personally what I really want to see is BOTH the romantic stories from KOTOR 1 and 2 to be in KOTOR 3. I want to further the story of Bastilla and Revan (Or Carth if you were female.) In KOTOR 2 I was able to create a rather small romance between Visas and the Exile (MALE) which I want to further. I was also able to get a little romance going with Atris on my second run through but both of the romances were cut short by the games end >.<. Not sure if there are any formable romances playing a female as I stick with my true gender whenever possible. So this is my plea for KOTOR 3, I want to be able to further the romances of these characters.
P.S. I know Kreia said that the Exile would do as Revan did and leave his companions (She specifically mention Visas for me and the way my character asked about her it was obvisious he considered her to be romantically involved.) but who is to say that some of the most enjoyable characters from 1 and 2 won't follow the Exile and meet up with Revan and he a little into the game?