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About PutCashIn

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  1. FWIW, MERP/ROLEMASTER was probably the first D100 game system that used a D100 roll VS DC. The fact DND 3rd Ed used a D20 still was mitigated in a lot of instances with the new saving throw/one point based skill system. Monte Cooke is Genius Note, Role Master still only had about 8 result categories to determine what effect actions had (covering -100 to +100). A good DM/GM will turn a 'one in 5%' into a truly chaotic result.
  2. I do like this thread, having just brought POE today (at full price on Steam, more the fool for me for not waiting for a special deal, I guess) I would be very interested to hear what the obviously competent posters on this self necromancied thread have to say about the attributes in Tyranny - especially Resolve(or its equivalent), as 'as' suggested in this thread, I find a reduction in affliction time almost meaningless, it is far better to aim to making the enemy focus on standing back up than worrying if I ever need to, which I don't as I just smashed you in the face etc etc .. .
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