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Everything posted by EdwardDL00

  1. Heya, I updated my original post and broke out "starting" and "ending" attributes. Thank you for the extra work! I took your recommendations to heart and started a 3-man run with Druid, Wizard, and Priest. I am using Boeroer's Boar Druid build utilizing a Shapeshifting focused druid with your priest and wizard build and am now level 6. I am planning to include the Paladin, Barb, and Chanter in later on but right now I am having a blast. This guide is exactly what I was looking for starting out and I am grateful that you took the time to write this guide!
  2. Great party! This party composition is exactly what I am aiming for. I am new to this game, are you able to post the starting stat allocations for your characters? I was going through all your items and subtracting the stats to obtain the starting stat but my calculations are still off. Thanks in advance.
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