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Super Saiyan Vegeta

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About Super Saiyan Vegeta

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  • Location
    Lafayette, IN USA
  • Interests
    Anime, Manga, Sci-fi, video games and action/drama movies
  1. Flurry. It got me out of many jams.
  2. I agree with you there about there being very little replay value. I was expecting a much bigger difference if you played the dark side than what i got. Thankfully the glitches on Xbox helped to create more gameplay options. (There are gamesave devices that have even more options but i won't go into that here) After awhile though i realized in this day and age that some people want the shorter and more compact storylines. I think Morrowind:GOTY edition has to be one of the greatest deals in the history of gaming and has provided me with 10 times the amount of playing time as Kotor but i admit that not everyone has the time or the patience to play a vast game like GOTY. I guess it comes down to preference - Shorter but sweeter or Longer but really vast. I wish that Kotor2 could be alot bigger but i understand the technical issues that Obsidian would have to face so i'm content (for now lol). Hopefully, XboxNext will use disks with enough space for Kotor3 to be alot bigger. (Wishful thinking?)
  3. I agree about Canderous being a great Jedi. Whenever i play now, i always turn Canderous, Mission and Zaalbar into Jedis. I don't do it for Carth because i hate him, heh. Too bad your droids don't completely make the change but i think it's cool to have an all Jedi party. Caveat: Only cheat/glitch if you've already played the game to death and are finally bored.
  4. Thank you Elvis for your comments. When i've finished playing Kotor2 alot, i guess i'll 'be sad' and look for another FLU since i'm the one who found the first. I got tired of playing the game the normal way and went looking for cheats. I ran into the 'feat glitch' but it was only temporary. Luckily, i stumbled on a way to keep feats/powers permanently. Other forum members at Bioware, GameFAQ and IGN helped to find all the rest like the attributes, skill points and 'NPC Jedi' trick. Nice to see you again Adria. Figures you would be a mod here. As for all the people who seem to think we are 'sad', here's my old quote to them from Bioware.
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