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Everything posted by TheManWithAPlan

  1. I know this is probably going to sound strange and stupid to some people, but here it goes anyway. So I'm really new to cRPGs, I never played Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 or really any of the old games. I'd say that my first cRPG was Dragon Age Origins, if that counts, recently I got Divnity Original Sin 2 and I have to say that there hasn't been a game that has had me this hooked for a while, as a result I have been looking to other RPGs and PoE 2 came up. Anyway, my question about is this. I checked out the backer site, I saw that the Fig thing was over so I couldn't put any money there but found out that there is a backer site. I'd like to contribute as much as I can but I don't really want all the items, to be honest I just care about the game, the in game stuff and the DLC but I'm not against shelving out more money than what the basic pledge asks for. Is it possible to do this? As for the game, I really got into DOS 2 because of the voice acting, now I realize this is something which a lot of people will disagree with me but I really liked how it worked out for DOS 2 and would rather have voice acting that much more dialogue. Anyway, I saw that this game has double the voice acting that the first had. I hate to say it, but the lack of voice acting is something that kept me away from PoE 1. Does this game have voicing for all the important characters? I really don't mind if random traders, inconsequential NPCs, and the protagonist(prefer silent protagonists to be honest) have no voices.
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