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Everything posted by BkM-SE

  1. I would like to confirm that this issue appears to have been solved for me. (Linux/Steam) If I should encounter any more problems related to the colour PINK I'll let you know. In the meantime I would like to thank all involved for taking care of the admittedly rather small user base that is Linux/Mac. Cheers. Note, this may be a duplicate post as I'm not sure if I failed to hit "Post" this morning, or my post just wasn't approved yet. (Sorry)
  2. PINK has left the building! Works for me in Linux/Steam. Thank you!
  3. I would like to second the motion above of having a beta available on Steam. Even so I must admit, I don't know if this would create any extra cost or aggravation to anybody.
  4. 1. 3.07 patch [YES] 2. Mac/Linux [YES] 3. WM installed [YES] 4. Loading a save old than the 3.07 patch [YES, but then saved again in 3.07] [Deadfire DLC NOT installed] Save, log, screenshots... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/obrksp5eg2ug7w4/AAD9_5u40Ukhxck7Yhn65T62a?dl=0 Cheers. Additional information... I have tried running the game with both the Steam runtime and native libraries. I have tried running it on a fresh and up to date install of Ubuntu MATE (17.10) And on Antergos. All pink, all the time. (too much pink energy is dangerous) Also I would like to note one character is very much looking forward to the next Star Wars movie, and is now sliding around like R2-D2.
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