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Everything posted by Feth

  1. Hello there, I've been playing Pathfinder Adventures, and have completed all the Rise of the Runelords adventures in Heroic and Legendary difficulty. As far as I know, there are two Google Play achievements related to that feat (Heroic Victory and Legendary Tale) but, unfortunately, they haven't updated. I have completed as well both A Fighter's Tale: Valeros and Burn Everythings! in Legendary mode, and those achievements updated properly. I would like to know if there's any chance to get those achievements updated. My nick is Feth #5908. Thank you very much. The next issue is in regard to item Devouring Trident, which seems to come with A Fighter's Tale: Valeros deck. I've had two of those items disappear after using (burying) them during an scenario and having to reboot the game because one of the several things that make it become stuck (using Blessing of Nethys being the most frequent in my case). Plus, A Fighter's Tale: Valeros cards do not show in the Collection tab, as an additional nuisance. Main thing is the achievements problem, though, I'd really love them updated
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