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Everything posted by AlGrythim

  1. So, I've gone back into that game session to check the modifiers through the menu on the left side, and I have found more weird things. I've got Sandpoint under siege, painful memories, darkest night, rune of savagery, and rune of shielding. But I've never bought or used any runes. Here are some screenshots I took. https://imgur.com/a/i6shB
  2. I've been getting a weird bug in Legendary sandpoint under siege with Ezren and Sajan where if I try to have Ezren use scrying from any location, it lets me pick the card type and the location I wish to scry at, but then it never fans out the deck to complete the action, which forces me to forfeit the scenario to continue. I will try to post a few screenshots that show this. Playing on an LG G4 Android 6.0 Ver 1081-20170920 Pfid B59941EE142A94F1 edit: edited to not have stupid phone typos.
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