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About Lonestar166

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. ****UPDATE**** I started a new game, and all is as it should be. I now have the option to create as many new saves as I wish. Thanks for your time, and have a great day.
  2. Greetings. I may have lost my earlier posting, so just in case, I'll try this again. I just did a fresh install of Windows and Deadfire. I started a new game, saved it, and deleted all my old saves. Now when I go to make a new save, I only have the option to over write my current save, or delete my current save. Why do I not have the option to create a new save in a new save location? I am running Deadfire on Steam, with Steam cloud saves enabled. ( all old saves were deleted ) Thanks in advance for your responses.
  3. Greetings Today I reinstalled Deadfire after a fresh install of Windows 10. I started a new game and saved it. Then I went into my saved games and deleted all of my old saves as I had no intentions of playing them again. Now I see I have one save, which is the new one I just created. My problem is, every time I go to save the game now it gives me no other option but to over write or delete my one and only saved game. Why am I not getting the option I've had in the past to create a new save in a new save location? Is there a way to create more save locations? I play this game using Steam, with Steam saves enabled. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  4. May 8th has finally arrived. How do I get my key for Deadfire?
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