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About Hadarmil

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  1. Had the same problem. Setting MSAA to 1 helped.
  2. OK, ship combat sort of works but I have a few bugs/gripes: 1. When boarding, there is no correlation between enemy crew to number of encountered enemies. I can mow down an entire crew of 6 and while boarding 12 full health enemies will be waiting while my side will be a random half of my crew. Numbers feel somewhat random and higher level ships seem to spawn enemies out of thin air no matter what happened before I boarded. 2. Chance to hit is completely off and 100% shots(expert cannoneers at optimal range) miss a LOT while causing low damage to enemies whose novice crew outside optimal range somehow eat up my ship. 3. Hullbreaker and the Hognose cannons have the same stats but different prices...though I can swear the Hullbreaker does more damage somehow. Hidden stats? 4. Gripe - While boarding all ships are the same size...I understand the limitations, but c'mon. And that's it for now.
  3. Second that, you can leave after the battle but I want her stuff...and Serafen to tell me how happy he is. I'll add that I sent her to Maje.
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