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Everything posted by RannaDylin

  1. I'm getting this too, but even when the whole party is selected - it's just showing the fifth party member (mercenary priest at the moment) as the icon for everyone.
  2. Whoops. Another albino. She made it past the initial level up with her hair intact but turned white upon leveling to 7 after some questing. lenneth white hair on level 7.zip Lenneth (Tikawara) (6ca49eb2-1175-41d7-a7dc-61c30b3ab0f5) (756132900).zip
  3. I would love it if the character appearance parts of character creation could all be moved to the start instead of coming after all the abilities and such. I'd like to play around with a character's race, hairstyle, color etc. before getting into the technical details of their class and skills. I found myself tending to rush through the skill selection just to get to the pretty part. )
  4. I've had a few characters' hair turn white the first time they leveled up, too. Then with this one, it didn't happen upon leveling up, but as soon as I was done leveling to 6 and I equipped her armor and weapons, equpping a pistol turned her albino... Before leveling: After leveling: After equipping the pistol: Zip with the save files & logs is attached. white hair bug.zip
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