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Everything posted by Kaiden

  1. Correct, and then your patrols are also veteran. Training roaming militia (And veteran) follow the same default rules of normal JA2 militia training. It's just been expanded to allow veteran and roaming militia, as well as price increases (even for upgrading to regular militia). 1. Fill up current sector with lowest militia. 2. Fill up nearby, owned town sectors with lowest militia. 3. Upgrade militia in current sector. 4. Upgrade militia in nearby, owned town sectors. 5. Upgrade militia to veteran in current sector (if veteran option is on). 6. Upgrade militia to veteran in nearby, owned town sectors (if veteran option is on). 7. Once every owned sector in this town is filled with the highest militia level you can train, train a squad of roaming.
  2. Best Deal, is the Conquest 6-pack from Strategy First (Still available as of this posting). You get JA2, UB, and Wildfire for $30. You also get a few other crappy strategy games for the collector. The only one I really liked though, was Patrician II, but mainly because I'm a Taipan (Read Pirates/Sea Traiding Game) Fan.
  3. Sorry, I guess I could linked while I was posting it, thanks though If you can send a savegame of the autoresolve bug, that would be great, otherwise I'll see if I can reproduce it.
  4. The 1.13 Mod replaces the executable and a number of data files, so it's very likely that it would fix some of the problems. It may not fix all of them, and of course, being a Mod continually under development, it will add it's own problems now and then. That being said, there is a post on the bears pit in the 1.13 Development forum that goes into some limited detail about getting Steam and 1.13 to work together.
  5. The 1.13 mod works with any vanilla JA2 that wasn't distributed online (Nix on Steam or Trymedia versions sorry, encryption in data files changed) So anywhere from 1.03 to 1.12 (CD versions) Most people didn't want the questionaire, so I didn't even make it an option. And we're not bastards. We're *Evil* Bastards with way too much time on our hands Also, just about EVERY optional feature in the game is unbalancing. But that's what people wanted. Personally I play on INSANE with Easy Starting cash, 1 IMP, Normal Bobby Rays, and Sci-Fi. I don't use Drop-All, but I do use the sector inventory sell option, it saves on useless trips to Tony's. I get whipped all the time. P.S. There is a patch released last Friday. Adds some more good stuff and lays the groundwork for some more externalization
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