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Everything posted by Mycroft83

  1. What is the point of having 3 summons invocation ? It is possible to respec to have only one, so, has you can only have 1 invocation at a time, I do not see the point of not replacing skeleton by wurm and then wurm by ogre. Also, is Greater Lay on Hands worth it for a shieldbearer ? It mean that the lay on hand will cost twice as much. But I thought that the main utility of a shieldbearer lay on hand was the "cannot die" that is not boosted by Greater Lay on Hands. Is this build a good one for a party composed with : eder (Swashbuckler dps melee), xoti (priest), Aoth(wizard), and maia(full ranger or scout) ? Or will this team lack dps ?
  2. Thank for your answers Regarding the "slow attack", should I use a fast one handed weapon to compensate it ? Or should I stick with a slow one handed weapon and live with being slow ? As for armor, I would like to go with the plate armor, but maybe it will make me even slower, making the character unplayable. If I understand well, in this game, the race bonus states aren't really important, as maxing a stat isn't really optimised. Therefore, the race choice only matter for racial ability and RP ?
  3. Greetings I would like to create a tank paladin, and I am confused about the stats. I understand that the opponents are no longuer targeting the tank if he isn't a threat. But what is the minimum threat level that is required ? is Might 10 Cons 10 Dex 4 Percep 19 Int : 16 Res : 18 (+1 from Aedyr culture) enought ? Or should I go with Might 10 Cons 10 Dex 10 Percep 16 Int : 16 Res : 15 (+1 from Aedyr culture) or Might 16 Cons 10 Dex 4 Percep 16 Int : 16 Res : 15 (+1 from Aedyr culture) ? Thank you for your answer
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