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Everything posted by Thorgarth

  1. Hey, thanks for the reply! The more thought I give it, the more I agree with focusing on offensive talents and abilities. As of now, Eder just stands in a group of mobs and never loses any health. I did some respec-testing and realized that Rapid Recovery doesn't even boost my passive healing by a whole point, so that's definitely out of here. I chose Overbearing Guard because I currently have +4 engaged enemies with talents, abilities, and items; and the prone part of the ability is nice from stopping enemies from advancing too close to my ranged characters. I'm still 50/50 on it, though. Yeah, I think I'm definitely going to focus on more offensive abilities and talents. I also just recently picked up Gyrd Haewanes Stenes (the dominate scepter) and bound it to Aloth. The dominate effect is insanely powerful. Thanks again for the feedback! Have a good one, friend.
  2. Hey, all! I'm currently working on my first play though, leveling Eder as a tank fighter, and I'm curious about a few abilities and talents. What are your thoughts about Rapid Recovery, Into the Fray, and Vigorous Defense? Is the bonus from Rapid Recovery worth a talent choice? Should I consider Vigorous Defense or Into the Fray; or would you suggest a more offensive ability for my level 5 fighter ability? I just reached level 8, so my current build looks like this: 1st level - Knockdown 2nd - Weapon and Shield Style 3rd - Defender 4th - Wary Defender 5th - Vigorous Defense (With my current defenses, I rarely use this ability) 6th - Rapid Recovery 7th - Overbearing Guard 8th - Hold the Line Also, are there any other fighter abilities that you would suggest for future levels? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
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