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About zczl

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  1. in kotor3 ithink we should have all the alien races in all the movies and games to be used as the main character because just human characters are boring!More colors in the lightsaberselection would be nice.and i think this should be the last star wars knights of the republic game and at the end it should be a climactic fight that changes the galaxy,and it should be a longer game to occupie people who play games a bit to much like myself.also in my opinion there shouold be more than ten playable characters because ive beaten kotor1,and kotor2 and i got bored with these characters.AND IF YOU WONT TELL ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTER AT THE END AND WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM or HER UNLIKE YOU DID WITH REVAN AND EXILE JUST DONT HAVE A MAIN CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!! and put jedi academy somewhere besides dantooine.and i think you should ave a choice on if you have a lightsaber at the beginning and whether your going to be a jedi sith soldier scoundrel etc.Having a trainee for you to influence would be a great idea.and please putthe jedi classes into padawan knight and master no gaurdians or sentanielscosulars watchmen wepon master etc. ,and the same thing wiyh the sith. and if it would be possible to have pets that would be much apriciated.ok
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