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About Dean478

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I refuse to pre-order games anymore due to exclusivity of sales. However I will purchase a full-price game at launch based on positive reviews. However I won't be if this Epic Store exclusivity turns out to be true. I've chosen my preferred distribution platform, and I'm not going to spend coin on anti-customer behaviour.
  2. -1 sale. Screw this anti-consumerist crap.
  3. If that's the case, then that's brilliant. It also gives me hope for the Microsoft acquisition. Any idea who owns the Tyranny name?
  4. Where you able to claim on GOG after Steam?
  5. So when you claim your key, is it one per platform or one of the other? Inclinded to pick Steam since the majority of my games are there, and hope that GOG connect offers it later. Thanks in advance.
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