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Everything posted by CursedByLight

  1. Pillars of Eternity 2 is almost confirmed at this point through the pictures on the website, but does that exclude the whole possibility of a new obsidian spinoff of the beloved Fallout franchise? The naming scheme of Project Louisiana is very similar to a project v13 based in Seattle that got scrubbed, as well as the popular Project Brazil mod for New Vegas. New Vegas's modding community is still hyperactive to this day. If indeed a Fallout 4 spinoff is in the works (New Vegas came out 2 years after the release of Fallout 3 so we COULD expect it sometime late this year or early next year) here's what we could hope from the game: New Orleans's Mardi Gras celebration, Superdome, and the Pontchartrain Causeway bridge could all lead to some fun firefights and story Weapon modification that follows a branching scheme instead of Fallout 4's pyramid scheme that lead to best in class weapons 4 options, instead of 4 ways to say yes, and a story reason to be evil from the beginning A focus on main gameplay, instead of on settlement gameplay, as well as challenging settlement raids Different endings, we all loved megaton but there comes a point that explosions aren't the only solution Doesn't take itself seriously, and keeps the Fallout humor we love strong For the love of shotguns, please more shotguns, perks that diversify, and automatic weapon viability
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