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Everything posted by CephasT

  1. In kotor I and II the bodies always fell the the ground the exact same way, you could force push some one to death and they would get back up and fall the ground, if they could make at least one other position for the corpses to fall that would be great.
  2. I just beat the game again and kreia said that the Academy on dantonnie would remain lifeless. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dantooine shouldn't be in Kotor III, its fate would be all dependent on what the excile did, and a cheep explanation of why the mercenaries aren't on the plantet and ruling (if excile was ds) would just suck, and people would piss and moan. and they should include Dvakvar Grahrk (was the origanl charater intended in the disciples place) and Kaevee who was suposed to be in the game but was removed for time constraints (Lucas <_< )
  3. The women in Kotor II way to small waists, they need to make then alittle more realistic. And the alien launguage gap was filled with Revan knowing alot of languages and The Exile haveing their little translator thingy, i think yuou should have certain party member who can speek certain alien dialects to keep things intresting, and Im planning on buying an Ibook, if they did make Kotor III would it work on it?
  4. Where is the Tainted Lake, where ever it is you should be able to go there and either get ds power from it or call your emotions and get ls power (just like Freedon Nadds tomb on Dxun), and maybe you can make more nath cowling, or at least some how make certain robes more powerful.
  5. It would be nice if you could start out in Jal Shey or the Baren Do or The order of Sasha and not just be forced to be a regular jedi. Planets i want in Kotor III are Ossus, Taris (new jedi temple there), Corresont, Mannan, and maybe Naboo. I want to see Jolee as a force ghost rather than alive because, if Revan was DS you killed him and Kotor III is probably set within 1 to 5 year after the Excile so he would probably be dead anyway. No Master Vandar, he had 2 opportunities to die so he probably did.
  6. Force projection, just like astral projection (out of body exp.) only with the force, this would be a cool force power for one of your party members or a counsil member.
  7. can you tell me what game or comic that was in
  8. In Kotor III it would be sweet if there was a republic warship that crashed in a larg body of water somewhere in the galaxy and you had to slavage the wreck to find the belongings and remains of a jedi passanger, and they turn out to be alive in an airlocked room. just a thought
  9. Maybe if your following the path of the dark side then you can get Kreia's force ghost to teach you more about the force, and if you follow the light side you get the force ghost of Master Vandar (or some master that we know to be dead that was cool)
  10. Does anyone beleive Kriea when she said that Revan might have gone to the outer rim because it was the call of home, and will we find out where Revan was born.
  11. Don't know if this is true or not (dout it) but i found this @ http://digg.com/gaming/KotOR_II_in_Development:_IGN_Claims "LucasArts' recent silence by no means equals inactivity. On the contrary, Knights of the Old Republic 3, which we believe is in development with Obsidian Development, is in the early stages of creation for a late 2006 -- most likely a 2007 -- release." its probably another rumor but its hope. and i found some other crap here, http://www.infuzemag.com/staff/lucas/archi...ii_annou_1.html and here http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/read_...7&union_id=1510
  12. It would be cool if you started out with a ship (maybe the ebon hawk) near the begining of the game and on your first world it is blown up (by some enemy), killing a unimportant character off. and then having to by a new ship
  13. People would laugh at him instead of fear him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Better not let the Lord Darth JarJar hear that... He was a potential apprentice, you know... :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think a Gungan jedi would be sweet, if they fixed the whole speech thing
  14. That would make the game way more open in my opinion. They should also make Hybrid NPC's to be in your party, and a wookie jedi
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