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Everything posted by kondrix

  1. Not only did i not hate her but i admired her, and i pleyed a light side character. 1. She manage to dispose of the republic gretest threat: Darth Nihilus. 2. She showed that Jedi master Atris is as dark as a the sith from her library. 3. She proved that jedi council was driven by their own fears: the fear that exile will feed on their powers. That they misunderstood the light side by beeing over-assured of their own flawless judgements: exiling of "the exile" and probably Kreia, instead of telling him the truth. The game tells us she manipulated us. But did she force us to do something we would not gladly do ourselves: kill Nihilus, reveal Atris true nature? And what about her evil acts: forcing Atton to fallow us, sending Hanharr after Mira, killing the council, hiding her true aims from us from the begining, and probably more. Was this really bad, evil? Or maybe there is an explanation. Atton forced to stay with us, finally got at peace with his past. He manage to explain and understand himself, maybe even forgive. This and more makes her a true light sided character in my eyes. [Philosophical side note: Is it really possible to be Light sided and survive at all. This is why i personally have a lot of respect for her (and whoever wrote the story) - for rising that question. For showing us that sometimes we can only survive by choosing smaler evil. But if it is neccesary to survive is that evil? What should one do when there is a person like the exile who siphons other peoples strenght (lets suppose he does). Should we allow him to live, as a truly ligh side person, but die as a consequence of this. Or should we kill in self defence.] greetings to all forum dwellers
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