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Everything posted by darknexium01

  1. Here are my ideas for the 3rd game. 1.Keep a political battle like on Onderon on KotorII (it is cool to both influence your party and entire people to a certain choice) 2.Try using the characters of both previous games (mostly main characters) but make as much of a fresh storyline. 3.Keep most of what you used in previous games such as (force powers,weapons,abilities) and improve or add new things to each. 4.Have a part of the game where you can command a battle like when the exile had a vision in the Korriban secrete tomb and commanded some troops from his past for a brief moment. 5.Keep the combat system (trust me you did great with that) 6.Dont make a level like Peragus where you just run around killing things without your party members to entertain you lol. 7.Make both sides of the force fair (in other words dont give Light side Mira and give the Dark side a superior character like Hanharr) 8.Do not split the party up because it creates a feeling of less freedom to do as wanted. 9.Keep the difficulty setting the same as the 2nd Kotor not the first.
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