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About AFKhaos

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  1. Alright, I just wanted to do a quick follow up post. So this little trick works, but you have to get creative to make it work perfectly. After deleting my save(as described in mccrispy's first post) I would close the app(it's important you close the app as your won't see your save after deleting it until you close and reopen it), reopen it, reload my save, and the game would pick up on the end of the turn right before my game refused to progress. The one time I've done this if you play the next turn exactly like you played it when the game refused to progress, the game will merely get stuck again. So it'll be important to change what happens on the turn your game got stuck so the error doesn't repeat itself. In my case I encountered an ambush barrier, beat it, which let me explore again, where I encountered a sinspawn, defeated it, it rolled a die to discard a blessing(the special scenario rule), and my game refused to progress. So, when I reloaded it, I intentionally failed the ambush barrier, which led me to the sinspawn(albeit slightly more difficult), and then I defeated it, and then the game progressed just fine. Thanks to everyone for the quick and helpful responses!
  2. https://mega.nz/#!jQMFyaIL!_AdVuajWCg9IaazoXjivFe36WjTbh8MxwaEhsziRnRM I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world, hopefully I did this correctly. I'll hold off on deleting the file for a moment just to be safe.
  3. I am using an android version 5.1.1 on an LG K7, my PFID is CD471F7A0E660BF7, both pass and play and perma-death are off, and the name is in normal mode. So I'm playing in story mode and I'm on the trouble in Sandpoint portion when Merisiel encounters a sinspawn(I don't think it's actually her turn one of the other characters encountered Erylium, Seoni in the village house I think, and she was trying to temporarily close the catacombs of wrath). I roll the skill checks defeat the sinspawn(both successfully), but the special scenario rules say to roll 1D6 and on a 1 discard the top card of the deck whenever I encounter a sinspawn. It rolls 1 discards a card and then the game just sits there. It's not frozen(I can still click on cards and zoom in on them, I can go to the main menu) but the game refuses to progress. I've tried closing it, I've tried clearing the cache, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled it, but nothing seems to remedy the problem. Every time I try and start the story mode it rolls the die to discard a blessing, and it doesn't seem to be rolling the same thing, sometimes it rolls a 1 and sometimes it doesn't. I'm at a complete loss, IDK what to do. Please help.
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