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About jones0901

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. ranger is my go to class in most games.... having no melee ability and a cliche wolf padding along at my heels is when i quit most games this is very much a personal opinion, but i loved aragorn and drizzt and i loved my ranger is NWN2, my stalker in bg2. please dont relugate rangers (if you use them, of course) to the wow hunter. let people make this ranger by all means, but please dont force it thanks, i know the game will be great either way
  2. i agree with what your saying, but two things, 1st) the game is still a role playing game, and therefor raising a character from the beginning should be in my mind, a key part of the game 2nd star wars is like you say about galactic events and its fallout, but even more so the story is the fall and redemption of anakin, all 6 films are about him, from the time he is a kid, till his death, all the characters save han solo and lando are there as a result of actions Anakin took, even the empire so i think that even though your right that their is always a major event present in the films, the films are very much telling the story of one persons life, like the game could do
  3. if you put the game in real time, force powers could be used the same way you used magic in jade empire, also like i said earlier, if you break force speed and all the defensive spells into a seperate group, say under a focus meter, you could turn them on and off when you needed to use them. also if done that way, you could do all the flips and jumps they do in the films, also they could make it where if a character falls to the ground the opponent tries to kill em at once, or you hit the block button and you block and get up. also, a my block button would just put up a shield, but while youo hold block, you block attacks individually, so like you just press blcok and the parrys look really cool but yeah, i like the way the combat is now, i would just like to see it more fluid, and its just a pet peeve of mine that they stay stationary the whole time. if they could fix it i would be happy also i would like to see a more interactive and destructable world, like lets say you can pick up a plasteel canaster and force push it at your enemy or if you hit a pipe with you lightsaber, it would explode.MOST IMPORTANTLY in on this theme, when a person is hit by a lightsaber, they dont get up, so lets say instead of a life bar that goes down, you have a defense bar that functions the same way and when it goes all the way down, you get hit once by a lightsaber and your done i think also, their should be alot more chaces for characters to die and be gone. if im in trouble and alot of baddies are attacking one character, i throw grenades with the rest of my characters. if there was a fear of killing my characters it would make me care more about them
  4. my wishlist -id like the game to begin when your npc is a kid, so they go through the training, this would work well as a tutorial for the system, and also, your master could ask questions to your character that the game could use to incorperate how you played the previous games. -i think the game shuld devote a lot of time to the master/padawan dynamic, so your mentor should be class specific. like if you are a guardian, it could be handmaiden, or atton could be for sentinal. -there were many different items you would find in kotor 2 that had back stories which amounted to jedi sects, like jel shay or baron du, your character should be able to join one and that way, they could learn a basic lightsaber form and get a certain set of force powers at the start of the game. also at the stage you could be introduced to jedi who would eventually be key players in the game -alot of the powers in the first game were more like techniques, like speed or breath control, i think they should be broken up into a third catagory, and then the sentinal class could have fast progression in that area -id like to see the combat change to be more like jade empire, so your characters are always moving like in the films. -when you go into a part of the game where there is going to be a lot of fighting i think all your npcs should be present and fighting, maybe not with you, but as you progressed through the level, you would meet up with them as they were doing whatever they were doing, but you could still control them if you wanted to -missons that are more jedi like, i.e resolving trade disputes, sneaking into some place, like obi wan does in epsidoe 2 -getting to control armies or fleets -being able to go through the game without having to fight so much but still get enough expierence to reach the level cap -more vehicles and ccustamization -chose your race and all that -being able to put on the hood, like the jedi always do in the movies. - better deveolped enemies and npcs -an ending worthy of the title, -more and bigger worlds -more prestige classes and jedi classes -i know alot of the fun of the game is hack and slashing through endless hordes of sith, but cut back on the killing some, focus more crafting characters,dialouge and story and spend less time using choke the flurry on sith -when you go into a city, let your npcs go where the want to go, some could go to the bar, others will go buy whatever equipment is best for them and some could go do things that would open up new quests or further the story -and lastly, spread the story out over a few games. lucas said he originally wanted to tell all 6 episodes in 3 films, but i didnt work so he spread em out, the games have been rushed, why not progress the story over a few games -
  5. yeah, why not when you enter a city have your chacters go through what they need to do, like might go to the cantina, or go buy whatever equitment is best suited for how you have them set up, that way you wouldnt have to micro manage what your party has on, only having to switch them if you had a serious greievence as to what they had on, additionally, it could add alot of quests. meaning that you could walk into a cantina and if they meet some one they have a history with you could do the quest it would create. thus you could gain inflence with characters
  6. yeah that story idea sounds cool, but why not start it earlier, in all the previoius games, the main character has been a older jedi, why not start from the beginning as a child picked to be a jedi, then througfh dialouge, lets say a master asking your character about the history of the revan and the exile, the game could ascertain how you played the first two games, then go all the way through the training, lets say you choose your basic build, (gaurdian, consular, sentinal) and gain the basic force powers you see in the films, like push or mind trick, then seeing as the only jedi left at the end of kotor 2 are the npcs at the end, you can choose a mentor from them, (based on your class choice) and the game takes you through your training and eventual seperation from your master, that way you could meet the jedi that were your age, who would become the main villians and allies for the game, also, i think the game should focus on just your deveolpment from padawan to knight, then make a sequal that would continue from knight to master, and finally youplay as a master, that would enable the developers to advance the story like the films do, where you develop character dynamics and personalities, like say you meet a character who as a padawan, shows signs of turning to the dark side, he or she could become one of the main antagonists throughout the games, anyways, i think the idea of developing the master/padawan dynamic is something that needs to happen in the next game. like luke and obi wan, it would be cool. for example what if you go to degobah and your master is killed by one of the sith scouts, that would explain why yoda tells luke that the cave he visits in degobah is stong with the darkside of the force and i know i would think that was cool fianlly i think the idea of having missions that jedi would have is cool. like having a jedi resove a dispute on a planet would be cool, or having your character have to protect a person who would eventually become paramount to the story would be cool
  7. what would make the games better for me is if they felt more like realistic. Obviously its fun hack and slashing through the game, but how mnay times in the movies do jedi just kill 100s of people? maybe i am wrong on this, but i always feel like the way to get the most expierence (thus becoming the most powerful you can be) is to do whatever you can getting expierence by non violent means then killing everyone you can. So id like to see a means to do things like jedi do in the movies, ie obi wan sneaking around the death star or the planet in episode II. you should be able to get expierence for that . also, i never really think of force speed or force resistance as a power, there more like techniques jedi use. therefore they could be divided into a third catogory and maybe if you played a a sentinal, that could be what they get a fast progression in, like guardians with feats and consulars with powers i liked how in kotor 2 alot of the things you found were attributed to different jedi sects like the Jel Shey apparel or the baron du novice robes, why not have your character attach itself to a sect like how you pick your class and get bonsuses to stats or powers. it was cool how you could learn things from the npcs in kotor 2 and i think it could work the same way it would also be cool if the fighting was revamped. i liked how Jade Empires combat moves around alot and it always bugged me that your kotor characters just stood their and smoked each other, thus i think it would be cool to either change the combat to alot like jade empire, or keep the same combat system but make it where the characters moved around more and it looked more like the movies. last i think it would be cool if the story could begin to tie in to the films, like say the exchange and Czerka combined into the trade federation, or maybe the game could include yoda as a padawan or an npc. but i dont really know how long ago the game was supposed to be set anyways those are my ideas, and ive never posted on a forum before so any reactions would be cool to hear
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