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Posts posted by srdclark

  1. iPad 3, iOS 9.3.5.


    Just battled a Succubus at Thassilonian Dungeon in 5.1.  Normal difficulty, party of Seoni, Harsk and Seelah.  Seoni encountered The Scribbler; the Succubus was the random spawn.


    Seoni was making her check and had an open Emerald Codex.  She failed the check and was instructed by the card to "bury your whole hand".  The game interpreted that as forcing "Bury 6".  I was able to avoid burying my whole hand, by burying a card from the Emerald Codex instead.  Each card buried from the Codex decremented the Bury counter, which allowed me to keep the Disintegrate in my hand, and in turn allowed me to win the scenario.


    I don't think this is the intended interaction between Succubus and Emerald Codex?


    On a similar topic:  When The Scribbler reads "each character encounters a random monster" is that correctly interpreted as "a random monster is summoned and each character fights that same monster"?  I would have interpreted as "each character independently summons a random monster".

  2. Snakeskin Tunic adds the bonus properly; however, the game then improperly switches to a roll (from combat ranged, to combat dexterity) with a lower bonus.  This seems to occur with all items that apply bonuses to characters with multiple, similar skills.  The check will always default to the skill with the lowest base bonus, and need to be corrected manually.  You get the right bonus in the end, but it requires extra fiddling with the UI and if you forget, you're gooned.


    (Note that this behaviour was introduced in 1.4.0.) 


    Works fine on AmiDUOS on a PC.

    Well that's not very helpful is it?


    It is perfectly helpful!  It is, in fact, the most helpful answer there could ever be.


    OP said, specifically, "I wish they would hurry up and release the Steam version, because I am prepared to play on a PC".


    Elcoderdude replied, "You don't have to wait for the Steam version; here is an emulator that lets you play the current version."

  4. I recently had a problem with the Pit of Malfeshnekor (sp?). I encountered the pit, and took an item. This dealt damage to 4 characters at the location (oops). After dealing damage, the screen just said "Confirm action?" and wouldn't accept pressing on the blue triangle. I had to forfeit out of the quest, and afterwards, the item that was taken had been given to a different character instead.

    I had a similar issue yesterday, though not with the Pit.  I don't recall the specifics, but I discarded an item on a check, then swapped characters to add a Blessing.  On the roll, the discarded item went into the other character's discard pile, and I could not perform any further actions and was forced to forfeit out.

  5. iPad Air 1

    iOS 10.0.2

    PFID 4666D9B67A4FD3F5


    In the Warrens, Seoni encountered an Ogrekin. Game rolled a d4 to see what will happen with Ogrekin. Roll comes out a 3, now game is frozen. Quit out, come back in, game is still frozen - no way to proceed.

    I'm seeing something similar to this.  iPad 3, OS 9.5.3.  9.3.5?  Whatever the last version the iPad 3 is getting is.


    Every time I encounter the Ogrekin (so far, I've only encountered it in 3.2 on Legendary) the game rolls D4 but fails to proceed to combat.  Quit to menu does not help, nor does restarting the app.  The app is not frozen, but I am required to forfeit and start the scenario over in hopes of getting an instance that does not have the Ogrekin in it.


    None of the other giants that I have encountered have shown this issue.


    EDIT!  This behaviour is occurring after the upgrade to, and I have seen it occur with rolls of both 3 and 4.

  6. Black Magga is getting points for every card it removes from decks, not just the allies described in the scenario rules.  This renders the scenario unbeatable.

    Are you sure that's what is happening?  Have you played right through to the end of the scenario?  The reason I ask is:


    As the adventure progresses, the counter LOOKS like it is keeping score, but it isn't.  What it is doing, is showing you a) the total number of cards Black Magga has consumed, and b) the total number of allies you have rescued.  It really looks like this is a scoreboard, but the two numbers are not comparable.  The number of allies consumed by Black Magga is hidden information.


    The adventure ends when all locations decks are empty, or the blessings deck is empty.  At that point, if you have rescued more than half of the allies, you win the scenario; otherwise, you lose.


    You can track yourself what your win point is by counting the number of allies in all location decks at the start of the scenario, then add 1 (hidden ally) for each location.  I played yesterday with a party of 3, and had 8 allies in location decks, plus five hidden allies (1 per location).  I knew when I reached 7 I had the scenario won.


    In the case you describe, where you believe that the game is crediting Black Magga for each card consumed, you would end the scenario and then be informed that you lost.  Is that what you are experiencing?

    • Like 1
  7. Were you playing on Heroic/Legendary and if so, which Wildcards were in play?


    This bug has been reported here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88733-1038-graul-ogrekin-automatically-rolls-my-combat-check/?hl=%2Brolled+%2Bdamage though yours is with Dorella. Perhaps you could "me too" that thread with a mention of Dorella and Hookmaw (though the Devs are investigating)


    Was just normal difficulty.  Thanks for the link - I tried searching for the issue but couldn't come up with a successful query!


    ... OK, had a quick peek at the thread, and I think I was mistaken on what the glitch actually was.  I think I actually encountered the Graul Ogrekin to begin with, and Dorella was pulled as the "glitchy extra random summon" afterwards.  Still a glitch, but a very different glitch than the one I was trying to search for!

  8. My first time playing through the Fort in Peril scenario, normal difficulty, Story mode, iPad 3.


    Harsk explores, finds Dorella and Hookmaw Kreeg.  I'm at the Warrens, which triggers a random monster placed on a random location deck.  I click as prompted to allow the triggered action to occur.  When the screen returns to the combat, the henchman has been replaced by another ogrekin, which rolls its own modifier, then immediately deals its total (13) damage to me.  It is then banished, and Dorella and Hookmaw Kreeg prompts me for their Dexterity check.


    Did I miss something important, or is this just a goofy glitch?

  9. iPad 3, Foul Misgivings, normal difficulty, party of Lini, Sajan and Amiri.


    Lini drew a Consecration.  I was at 5 cards remaining in my Blessing deck, so I popped it right away and buried 5 blessings from my discard pile.  My Blessing deck remained at 5 cards, and dropped to 4 when I passed the turn.


    On the next turn following, I encountered and defeated Skinsaw Man to end the scenario, so I am unable to say whether the issue was in reporting the size of the blessing deck, or in failing to add the cards.

  10. I have this quest today, to defeat 3 henchmen without using blessings.  The name of the challenge is "CHALLENGE NAME" and I tried several different scenarios, in all difficulties; I was unable to trigger progress under any circumstances.  In one scenario, a henchman was the first card drawn in the scenario, I did not have a blessing available to use, and defeating the henchman still did not trigger progress.

  11. Hi,

    Here's a couple bugs I ran into today, figured the more posts like this you collect the better.


    1. Playing 2.1 Undead Uprising on Heroic Difficulty with Kyra, Merisiel, Amiri. I encounter Dr. Habe at the Village House, and draw to the first Bane, which is a Zombie Horde skirmish.  I defeat everything in the skirmish, but I'm never given the chance to close the location like it says on the card.


    2. Playing 2.3 Foul Misgivings on Heroic Difficulty with Lini, Merisiel, Amiri. After closing 2 locations I pass a henchman at the third one and isolate Skinsaw Man.  I attack him a few turns later, the flame animation appears around him, and I'm given a chance to close the other two locations, which I do.  I pass the first check against Skinsaw Man (after he adds 1d4), but then the flame animation appears again...?  I can't remember if I was given a chance to close at this point.  Now I am given the second check, the 1d4 is added I believe, except now it has a modifier of +29 for some reason:




    I obviously failed this check.  Later in the scenario, the whole thing froze up while trying to give me one damage (I think it was one of the heroic conditions), it forgot to give me the damage but then wouldn't let me add dice to a check.  So I just forfeited.


    Hope this helps iron out some things?  I also hope the quest progression bug is fixed soon.


    Playing on an iPad 4th edition, iOS7, whatever the current version is in the app store.

    This happens to me about every other time I play Foul Misgivings.  I shake my head and do it over, and don't go back until I have to.

  12. I attempted Foul Misgivings for the first time.  The first card I flipped was The Skinsaw Man.  I watched the cutscene, then passed the first check of 14.  Then, the card grew to fill the screen over a background of flames, with a Continue button.  Clicking the continue button, I was then presented a second Skinsaw Man card, requiring a check of 33 (!) to defeat.  When I didn't, my hand was reset, and then I was required to attempt the (presumably) second check of the original Skinsaw Man (16).  Having an empty hand, I did not pass that check.


    I encountered Skinsaw Man three times over the course of the scenario and each time, saw this same pattern, although the check required to defeat the middle form of Skinsaw Man varied (28, then 30).


    Since the description of the encounter doesn't appear to me to describe the extra Skinsaw check, I've been trying to determine whether this is intended behaviour I need to strategize around, an additional penalty for attacking Skinsaw without a second character at the location, or a bug or glitch.  I haven't encountered any description that includes the additional copy of Skinsaw Man.  Could somebody please confirm for me - how many checks does Skinsaw Man require to defeat?


    Is the game messing with my sanity as part of the theme of madness in this scenario?

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