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About Klog

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. An update on my legendary solo character progress: I've now completed Lem, Sajan, Seelah and Merisiel (not including AD4... yet). I've started playing around with Seoni and Valeros, both of which have been doing better than I expected. I am at 3-3 with the latter... but now that I check, I am only at 1-2 with the former, so it is still pretty early on with her. I have tried with Lini, but have actually found it to be quite difficult... especially when villains require two attacks to defeat. I would like to try with more, but the character limit is prohibitive-- as is the save slot limit, which I only discovered lately. Sigh.
  2. I have also completed all available content with Lem solo on Legendary. As far as solo characters go, he is very doable. The only other Legendary solo I have completed thus far is Sajan. I don't find him very effective in the large groups I usually play on legendary, but he can make solo play work pretty will, since he doesn't have to discard blessings to explore. I have begun to play Seelah solo on Legendary. Not very far along... and Poison Pill was a real pill. Managed it on the 4th try or so. Should get easier once I can get the power that makes Cure spells be recharged when using her +d6 power.
  3. da_mayor: Good idea. All four divine casters make for a great party.
  4. Well, my first Legendary party was: Lem, Harsk, Lini, Ezren, Meri, Amiri. It worked well, although Into the Mountains was a pain. Of all of the characters not in this group, I think I miss Seelah the most. I'd be inclined to maybe swap out Amiri for her, although Amiri's movement abilities are certainly nice on Legendary with a 6-person party. My second Legendary party was suggested somewhere on this forum, and was actually great fun to play: Lem, Seelah, Kyra and Lini. All of the divine casters. It worked really well, although Kyra is rather superfluous. I have also completed the content available thus far on Legendary with solo Lem, and solo Sajan. Both were a bit tricky to get going, but ultimately the went pretty smoothly. I actually feel that Lem might be one of the most well-suited characters for solo play, in spite of the pre-role uselessness of his bardic talent. His ability to switch out cards at the start of the turn is fantastic.
  5. I would like to add that the issue still does not appear to have been resolved. Just completed a scenario with a dead Lem, and he received no power feat. Is he supposed to be able to get the power feat now, by repeating the scenario?
  6. Perhaps it is a bug, or perhaps user error. I have completed both brigandoom and the poison pill, but have never been promoted to add the skill feats, and i cannot figure out how to do so. Clicking on the skill bars in the character profiles does nothing. Can someone give me explicit directions as to when and how you are supposed to apply the kill feats? Thank you.
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