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Posts posted by hannie00

  1. The air speeder is great for gaining influence. You can get influence with Atton when you install the computer and influence with bao when you ask him to cheek your work when you finish repairing it.


    You can also gain influence with T3 for asking him to check. He doesn't fix it as well as Bao though. :lol:


    I'm sure ya know that from personal experience, eh? :)


    Thanks for the replies -- much appreciated!

  2. You know that airspeeder you find on Nar Shaddaa in the Refugee Sector? You can fix it up and whatnot and even "drive" it around for a lil' bit. However, when I've played, it ends up getting mysteriously trashed, as though someone purposefully sabotaged it. My question is: what is the point of even having it in the game? It is simply to show there are people following you around, or is there some other purpose? To be honest, it always kinda creeped me out... :ermm:

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