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About BoomDeluxe

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Name says it all,does anyone know any decent 'builds' like how many points to put into certain skills to get really strong in saber
  2. thnx for the reply's guys but I dont have force crush nor mines and I dont get floating sabers either :S
  3. actually bao-durs remote becomes playable on malachor V
  4. ok,so Iwas wondering does anyone have any hints to defeat kreia?she defeated me like 30 times straight now ...
  5. nvm found it,the good ol' google worked out for me thnx alot thoug
  6. yea,it has worked,thnx alot
  7. Ok,so I just posted about how to get of goto's place...found an answer really quick thanks to a nice guy...now I am having a simular problem as before,I cant seem to leave the harbinger because:I woudn't have a clue where to find another proton core,the one in the missilebay is untakeable :S
  8. thnx alot :D hope it'll work
  9. Hi all, so I did all the nar shaddaa stuff had a good time did alot of quests,now heres my question...I cleared out all of Goto's ship...and woudnt have a clue how to get off,i've been searching for hours and hours,also it says sumthing about a bridge console... I been there tryd evry possible command,no effect... so please tell me how to get off
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