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Everything posted by Kelbreth

  1. I believe I'm on, but I still have a Black Screen at the General Store after rolling for new items. When I quit and restart, I can roll the die for items again. It still results in a black background and inability to proceed. I am able to Forfeit. I read back through this thread...and don't actually see any indication that this is fixed in version, just that is released. Is this a known issue that is pending resolution? Thank you.
  2. On my Android phone, the Settings window shows the version as VER-480-20160602. Does the date code above refer to 1.0.3 or
  3. Can you please add to the 'Known Issues' list: On Dell Venue 8 7840 and Venue 10 7040, specific locations cause the graphics to 'crash'. Specifically, I am unable to open the 'Shrine of Lamashtu' - see http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86502-game-lockup-on-travel-to-specific-location-and-other-weirdness for screenshots.
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